Topic: Trouble exporting/bouncing tracks

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  • #2802

    Hi there,

    I’ve been using Zynewave Podium free for a few months now and have been delighted by the overall functionality of the program and am very pleased with the results.

    I have been looking for something like this for a while to build rhythms and tracks from scratch and on the whole, everything about the program is perfect.

    The only problem I’m having is that I’m spending a few recording/arranging sessions building a complete track and occasionally, when I am satisfied that it is complete, I hit the ‘Export To Sound File’ option and wait whilst it renders a master bounce file and wait forever. Then, it crashes, saying that it is not responding or a problem has occured. This is usually after waiting around an hour for the progress bar to get near enough towards the end!
    So, I’m a patient man, I try again and again. Then I give up and a week or so later I might work on a new track. Then when I finish, I export to sound file with no trouble. So, thinking that the problem is fixed, I go back to that masterpiece I had problems with previously…wait for an hour again and then the same problem!

    It’s very frustrating and only seems to happen to my best work! Presumably it’s because the track is quite complicated and is too big to export? Not sure.
    Anyone have any ideas on how to get these tracks exported correctly?

    thanks in advance,


    Welcome Harry.

    Hmm ❓
    Exporting a project generally processes in a fraction of the time duration of your arrangement.

    All I can suggest is to email the project file to Frits (developer) –

    I have had corrupted project files in the past. Usually they won’t even load. Hopefully that’s not the case with your work and it’s a particular plugin playing up. That would mean your project is salvageable.

    It’s reassuring you’re able to export some projects to audio 🙂


    Thanks for your reply Levendis-I’m trying again; let’s hope it isn’t in vain again!

    Do you have to render bounce track before exporting to sound file? Is there a quicker way of exporting? I don’t want to bother the developer if there’s a quick solution that I’m missing.

    Also, if I did send off the main arrangement file, presumably he wouldn’t be able to access the sounds that I used as they’re from my computer?

    Hope to get this sorted-don’t want my work to go to waste!


    @Magnofon wrote:

    Thanks for your reply Levendis-I’m trying again; let’s hope it isn’t in vain again!

    You’re welcome 🙂

    @Magnofon wrote:

    Do you have to render bounce track before exporting to sound file?

    That step is unnecessary. Though you could try bouncing tracks within the arrangement before exporting. This might narrow down the candidate for where things are breaking. Definitely don’t wait around for an hour again.

    @Magnofon wrote:

    Also, if I did send off the main arrangement file, presumably he wouldn’t be able to access the sounds that I used as they’re from my computer?

    True. Mind you, if you’ve found a bug, he would be grateful.

    @Magnofon wrote:

    Hope to get this sorted-don’t want my work to go to waste!

    Even though I’m not religious, my prayers are with you 🙂


    Ah, i wondered whether it was necessary; it’s just that when I select export to sound file it automatically renders the bounce track. Is there a way to bypass this? In options, pregerences etc? So frustrating!


    @Magnofon wrote:

    … when I select export to sound file it automatically renders the bounce track. Is there a way to bypass this?

    No, there’s no way to bypass this process. If you don’t want the *.wav file written to your project folder, disable/remove the bounce before saving.

    Personally, I like to clone the arrangement after exporting. It allows me to keep a kind of snap shot at stages in the project’s evolution (each time I export).

    Hint: If you rename the master track, the *.wav render will save with that name. I’m in the habit of appending the date to the arrangement name. This yields a file on my hard drive at this address:
    /(Project Folder)/(Arrangement Folder)/(Arrangement name)(dd/MM/YYYY).wav


    Getting close to giving up now after another crash…. Especially when you say that the only way is to sit through the bounce render, which simply takes forever.

    I’m now trying to export just beats and then a just melody. So hopefully putting the two into an arrangement in sync will render properly. Hopefully!

    Like you say, perhaps there is something corrupt in the mix and exporting individually may help identify the problem


    Well, my EP at least has some bonus beats… They exported okay. Now for the melody; fingers crossed!


    @Magnofon wrote:

    Well, my EP at least has some bonus beats… They exported okay.

    Be sure to drop word here and/or on our SoundCloud Group when the EP’s done.

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