Does anyone out there use a MIDI keyboard with extra MIDI assignable gadgets such as sliders and knobs etc. to control podium?
Is is easy to do?
Does it make a difference to usability etc.
I am going to have to buy a new MIDI keyboard (Becuase my Yamaha P70 digital piano doesn’t have a pitch bend wheel!!)
For example if I bought a MAudio Oxygen rather than just a MAudio Keystation, would all the Play, stop buttons work with Podium?
And could you control track volumes from the sliders etc?
Mike G
I’m afraid thats a negative.
To my knowledge, the only supported control surface in Podium to date is Mackie (Mackie Universal Control or Logic for instance) and devices supporting Mackie Control Emulation (like the Behringer BCF2000).
Im unsure if the M-audio Oxygen can run in Mackie emulation. If not, the device will NOT work controlling Podium per se. However, it should work “like normal” with regards to soft-synths etc…
Same here, got lot’s of knobs and sliders waiting to be mapped to Podium’s controls.
Thanks folks for prompt feedback.
I think I’ll buy a controller with the gadgets anyway as price not that different and I guess if podium does support them in future I’ll only kick myself!!
@Mike G wrote:
For example if I bought a MAudio Oxygen rather than just a MAudio Keystation, would all the Play, stop buttons work with Podium?
And could you control track volumes from the sliders etc?
Podium supports MMC, so the play/stop buttons on generic MIDI controllers will most likely work with Podium. Controlling track gain/pan etc. requires a device that supports Mackie Control emulation.
The play/stop buttons work on my Novation Remote keyboard controller.
Aha! I didn’t realise this.
I would dearly like to see mapping parameters to CC, so I can use a MIDI controller to control. π
@druid wrote:
Aha! I didn’t realise this.
I would dearly like to see mapping parameters to CC, so I can use a MIDI controller to control. π
I agree π
I have a Roland PCR-M50 and would love a easy midi learn feature in Podium so i can use my knobs and sliders to control vst synths and effects.
Like twiddle a knob on the vst and then click ctrl-l and move a knob on my PCR-M50 8)
I’d just be happy being able to assign a CC to a VST parameter. That way I could just do the rest from my controller. I’d also like it if channels were taken into account, a.. oh. I guess I could do that, if I added a controller “device” for each channel… wait.. I already DID do that…
This multiple device for multiple audio inputs/outputs for VSTs and multiple devices for multiple channels for MIDI etc though… Is a bit redundant if you ask me. Well it’s redundant if you don’t ask me, too. π
Have finally got round to buying a new midi keyboard (M-Audio Oxygen v2)
Play and stop keys work (after some tweaking from M-Audio side)
Are play and stop the only MMC commands supported by podium?
I have a few other buttons that it would be useful if they worked, namely:
Record enable, Loop enable, ffwd, rewind. (Most of these seem to correspond to std MMC commands as far as I can tell)
Also if I press stop twice on my MIDI keyboard, could it make podium go back to start of track the same as if I’d clicked stop button in UI with my mouse twice?
If I pressed rewind or ffwd, could it move between markers (Same as q and w keys?)
Thanks again,
Mike G
I agree with Mike G, except that I selfishly and greedily would love fast forward and rewind to actually scroll through the song while playing, in case I wanted to speed up a certain part and get through it quicker. π
But, just support for these buttons first would be great!
@Mike G wrote:
Are play and stop the only MMC commands supported by podium?
Currently only stop/start is supported. At some point I’ll get back to extending MIDI remote control support.
@Zynewave wrote:
@Mike G wrote:
Are play and stop the only MMC commands supported by podium?
Currently only stop/start is supported. At some point I’ll get back to extending MIDI remote control support.
is there any change in the status of this “issue”?
I just switched over from Reaper – and really miss more commands (like Mike).
@primelpott wrote:
is there any change in the status of this “issue”?
No status change. I don’t have an estimate on when this part of Podium will get an update. There are a couple of big features that have higher priority, so it’s months away.
Sorry to raise this thread again Frits, but I wanted to let you know that I’ve come up against the lack of ability to assign a CC to a VST parameter again. I can work around it, but thought I would remind you of this as I do feel it’s somewhat important. Some VSTs of course allow assigning parameters to CC. But not all, and for those, it’s painful to tweak real time. I have to get an idea of what I want first, then try to get an automation track. Unless I’ve missed something, which is possible of course.
The issue I’m coming up against now is with zeta+, which CAN assign CCs to parameters. Unfortunately, I find it convenient to manipulate parameters with the x-y pad that is built in, and attach several parameters to x of the pad. Then I would usually attach CC1 (mod wheel) to the pad’s x VST parameter… Only, I can’t do this in Podium, and unfortunately, zeta+ doesn’t allow me to attach CC1 to control the x!
Of course, to get around this I switch all the parameter controls from the pad’s x parameter to the mod wheel, but then of course I can’t play with it without a MIDI controller again.
This instance is minor. But I am concerned if I want to use a VST that does not allow automation parameters to be set internally.
Spoke too soon. I went to do that and realised that if I switch it to work on the mod wheel, I’ll only get 128 discrete values, i.e. midi resolution. This is fine for fiddling as naturally my midi controller is the same resolution, however I use the x-y pad’s x value for automation so I can automate at 32-bit value resolution. Very important when filters are involved in my opinion, and even more so if they are slow sweeps.
That means I’m going to be hungering for assigning CCs to VST parameters. Just letting you know!