Is there any way to increase the velocity of a note independently of any other notes occuring at the same time? I program all of my drums on one MIDI channel and have been struggling with this lately. Also would it be possible to have an option to set a note color for a specific key, ie C#=Green…then all C# notes would appear green on the editor?
Is there any way to increase the velocity of a note independently of any other notes occuring at the same time?
Select the ‘checkmark’ button in the left edge of the velocity lane, or use the context menu ‘edit only selected events’. Drawing in the velocity lane will then only affect the notes you have selected in the keyboard region.
Also would it be possible to have an option to set a note color for a specific key
That could potentially become a mess. As it is now, the colors of the events differ depending on whether they are selected or not, and depending on their velocity. The basic colors can furthermore be customized in the Colors dialog in the setup menu. Allowing custom coloring of each note would require an additional 12 color settings in this dialog, which I think is a bit much. Why would you want this option? Maybe I just need to emphasize the grid lines that separate the notes.
Maybe I just need to emphasize the grid lines that separate the notes.
That would be helpful. Currently the lines on the grid are bit faint.
On the subject of colours; In Propellerheads Reason, different colours are assigned automatically to parts in the arrange section of the sequencer. In other words, two indentical parts have the same colour making it easy to distinguish all the different parts on each track. Something along these lines would be nice 8)
I’ve made the keyboard editor horizontal grid lines a little darker. Will be available in v1.10.
@Zynewave wrote:
I’ve made the keyboard editor horizontal grid lines a little darker. Will be available in v1.10.
I was suggesting the note color idea so one might be able to distinguish Kicks, Snares, etc when programming drum parts in MIDI. Maybe an option to label notes might work to the same effect?
I was suggesting the note color idea so one might be able to distinguish Kicks, Snares, etc when programming drum parts in MIDI. Maybe an option to label notes might work to the same effect?
I’d rather persuade you to use the dedicated drum editor
To be able to use the drum editor, it is required that a drum-kit preset is assigned to the track. Release 1.09 introduced a few improvements related to this. Check out the ‘Freebees’ demo project, which is updated to use the drum editor for the drumatic plugin.
Still some work to do on improving the drum editor. Note audition is coming in v1.10. After that, a number of other improvements will come: Keyboard shortcuts similar to those in the keyboard editor. Tool behaviour suited for drums, such as using the pencil tool to drag a series of drum-hits. etc.
I’ll give it shot tonight
Does this feature support Battery? I can assign presets as Drum Maps and enter the Drum Editor but there are no notes or anything allowing me see where to enter MIDI data.
Drum editing with Battery should be possible. However the names of the individual drum pads in the kit loaded in Battery, are probably not being exported by Battery. The VST spec allows a plugin to announce the names of individual keys, which Podium will use to create drum kit presets when updating the program list, but I doubt that Battery uses this feature.
When you assign a preset as a drum kit, did Podium not ask if you wanted to create default key presets? This should happen if you’re using at least v1.09.
Ok I’m working well within the drum editor + Battery. Everything is great except I cannot drag hits from one note up or down to another…not that big of a deal and also the GM MIDI note names drive me crazy. Would there be a way for you to add a feature allowing users to change the note names within the drum editor? If we cannot do the note color thing than this would be almost as good. This way users would have another way of referencing which sound is where if their plug in doesn’t add its own names to the drum editor.
Good to hear you’re finding the drum editor useful.
Everything is great except I cannot drag hits from one note up or down to another
When I find the time to give the drum editor a makeover, this will be fixed.
Would there be a way for you to add a feature allowing users to change the note names within the drum editor?
How about something like right clicking on the drum name and selecting a ‘Preset properties’ menu? Meanwhile you can change the GM drum names if you can locate the drum kit preset in an object list window (by default this would be somewhere like Devices/Battery/Library Presets). Unfold the drum kit preset and you have all the drum key presets which you then can modify with the right click properties menu or pressing Alt+Enter.
@Zynewave wrote:
Good to hear you’re finding the drum editor useful.
Everything is great except I cannot drag hits from one note up or down to another
When I find the time to give the drum editor a makeover, this will be fixed.
Would there be a way for you to add a feature allowing users to change the note names within the drum editor?
How about something like right clicking on the drum name and selecting a ‘Preset properties’ menu? Meanwhile you can change the GM drum names if you can locate the drum kit preset in an object list window (by default this would be somewhere like Devices/Battery/Library Presets). Unfold the drum kit preset and you have all the drum key presets which you then can modify with the right click properties menu or pressing Alt+Enter.
Excellent! I anticipate that makeover! A right-click menu would be just as good and I did not know I could change the GM drum names! Thanks again!
Everything is great except I cannot drag hits from one note up or down to another
Podium 1.13 has been released, which adds support for dragging notes up or down, along with other improvements to the drum editor.