Topic: Voxengo SPAN – analyzing more channels

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  • #29639

    Is it possible to analyze more channels than one through Voxengo SPAN loaded in Podium Free?

    Input routing seems to be different when its loaded in Podium (2ins) unlike in Reaper (8ins).


    I normally put an analyzer on the master channel – that way I can see what’s going on in a track simply by soloing it.
    In addition, it is easy to open as it is always visible in the top of the inspector.

    My Setup

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by gylstorff.
    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by gylstorff.

    Besides the mono and stereo versions, Podium should have detected and created mappings for one multi-input instance (labeled SPAN #1). It appears you have to reconfigure these by hand; make sure the devices of the “shared instance” all have audio inputs and outputs set. You can delete the superfluous MIDI mappings. See picture:

    Now you should be able to insert these mappings onto tracks:

    If you need another instance of a multi-input SPAN, right-click the folder containing the mappings (in the “devices” panel on the project page or the inspector) and select “New Instance”.

    Hope this helps.


    Thanks! That helped me a lot.

    I had to create that “channel sends” manually in devices panel and link it to the global instance.

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