Topic: Weird piano roll editing behavior?

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  • #1904

    I’ve noticed that when I program something in the piano roll, then open a piano roll in another instrument, I am, for some reason, unable to program notes in the same place that already exist on another instrument’s piano roll…

    For example, if I program a C# on one piano roll, then close it, and open a new piano roll for a new instrument, I can then see the “grayed-out” C# from the first instrument, but I cannot write one there for the new instrument…

    I love that you can see other tracks’ piano rolls, it’s really helpful when writing accompaniments, but I’d like it if the “background” tracks’ piano rolls were UNEDITABLE unless you are actually selecting that track’s piano roll.

    Or am I doing something wrong?


    You’re doing something wrong. Maybe you’ve latched ALT key in your computer.

    With pencil tool you can single click on any background note and write a new note in the new midi instrument. If you do a ALT+Leftclick in a background note then you jump to that channel.

    You cannot edit background notes if you don’t press ALT key.

    I hope this helps šŸ™‚


    Alt+clicking a ghost note is a shortcut for switching the editor to the sequence where the ghost note belongs. If you don’t press the alt key, then you should be able to add new notes whether you click on empty space or click on ghost notes.


    So I shouldn’t be switching tracks, or able to edit another track’s MIDI notes, unless I hit a keyboard key, basically?

    Interesting. Must be user error!

    Thanks, guys.

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