Topic: what are the most needed features to get more users ?

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  • #629

    hi, i’m very interested in podium, but there are 2 showstoppers for me.
    offsetsnap & more important : no multiple inserts per track.

    what are the reasons you think podium is still only an insidertip or what are the bigest reasons to use other sequencers ?

    Robert Randolph

    Very hard to initially grasp. More videos would be awesome…. and audio with them?


    šŸ˜€ sure this would also help


    Hi Peter,
    You mentioned offset snapping. Is a quantize function with note timing randomization what you had in mind?
    I could be wrong, but Podium already has a function like this. If you open the properities for a track, the dialog box offers note transposition, timing and velocity randomization.

    See this section of the Podium guide for more info on this.

    I can agree with you that allowing more insert mappings per track would help reduce the need for many track hiearchy levels.
    But, how many insert mappings per track would be enough?



    @Joachim wrote:

    But, how many insert mappings per track would be enough?

    6 pre-fader/eq and 2 post-fader/eq. like in cubase. and what’s very important: the ability to move/reorder these inserts around (up and down) on the fly!


    @peter wrote:

    what are the bigest reasons to use other sequencers ?

    I think these are already on the Future map list so Frits will get round to implementing them at some stage…
    1.Dither option

    2.External sound editor integration / file export option (Soundforge e.t.c)

    3.Applying a fade directly on a clip.

    4. A way to copy / back up all the samples and audio files used in a project including those used by a sampler to a separate project file.

    5. Separate folders for audio and other project files.

    6. Almost forgot…rewire.

    Again at some stage I think Frits will implement these features if they are on the future roadmap list.


    by offsetsnap i mean moving a clip without loosing it’s distance to the next snap position.
    let’s say i have recorded drums on 8 tracks. i cut the best parts out of it. a real drummer most of the time doesn’t hit the 1 of a beat exactly (often a few ms to early). i had to cut the tracks a few samples before the 1. now when rearanging, i select the 8 tracks that are good for (let’s say) chorus and like to copy them to all choruses. but in podium, they’ll lost their relation to the 1, because they will snap to the exact snap value.
    i think offsetsnap could also be called relative snap. i know it works for one clip by selecting it and then nudge it with keyboard shortcuts. but only one clip and no copy and not when changing the track for the clip. so somehow it’s allready implemented and i can’t see the reason, why there isn’t an option to behave allways this way.



    yes, point 4 & 5 a also very important for studio recordings.


    @Dandruff wrote:

    the ability to move/reorder these inserts around (up and down) on the fly!

    huh??? That’s already possible easily as it is now – what am I missing here? šŸ˜•


    Hi Frits,

    Is planned a VSTi and VSTFX version of Podium? ā“


    Is planned a VSTi and VSTFX version of Podium?

    You mean a dll version of Podium that can be loaded as a VST in other hosts? In that case, no.

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