Topic: What OS do you use to run Podium? (2010)

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  • #19361

    To be fair, Windows XP was “extra fancy” compared to 9x series, and everyone said the same stuff.

    But I’ve found general hardware support out of the box to be far better in Windows 7 than XP; plus, XP seems to not like some of the newer technology. I cannot describe how much problem I had getting Windows XP installed on my native SATA drives (without any legacy IDE support enabled); XP simply does not accept it.

    Also, XP assumes the floppy drive for some activities during installation. Unfortunately, the floppy drive is almost dead, and rightly so. Most new systems these days don’t have it.

    I of course have created a USB install disk, with the native SATA drivers slipstreamed and also loaded on the setup, so I won’t have that problem again. However, Windows XP is now behind in terms of modern support, and now that official support for it has ended, hardware developers only continue spending finances on supporting it because so many people use it.

    It will die off eventually, just like the 9x series. It’s not wrong or right; it’s just the way it is.

    I like the fancy new look of Windows 7; but it certainly isn’t to everyone’s taste, and nor is it the only reason to switch to Windows 7.

    Anyway, that’s my sales spiel.


    I run Windows only because of my music/fractal software

    Eh German Fafian, what fractal software would that be?

    Fractint by any chance?

    Just curious.

    German Fafian

    @Pod_Boy wrote:

    I run Windows only because of my music/fractal software

    Eh German Fafian, what fractal software would that be?

    Fractint by any chance?

    Just curious.

    For graphic fractals I use Apophysis, Incendia, Mandelbulb 3D and Tierazon.

    For music the usual suspects POdium, FL and Reaper

    And when I’m bored and wnat fractally generated musical amusement I use Gingerbread.

    None of them work under Linux and behaviour under Wine is random at the best. 👿


    Windows XP Pro 32 bit for me. I plan on upgrading to Windows Vista Ultimate once my new PC gets here

    Can’t wait either to see how Podium runs in it.


    Win Xp AMD 64×2

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