Topic: Why is it muted?

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  • #1718


    I don’t know why “poly pad” channel is muted in this *.pod (it’s done with firebird, warmverb, IL JuicePack) and I cannot unmute it.

    Can you tell me the reason please?


    If you select the first blank effect track below the “send 2” you can see in the track inspector that this track is muted. Unmute this track, and then the lane track should be unmuted as well. The effect track could accidentally have become muted if you had selected it and then pressed the M key.

    This is actually something I’ve been meaning to change in one of the next updates. The possibility to mute any track in the hierarchy dates back before the compact track layout mode was implemented. I’m going to change it so that it is only the lane track at the bottom of the chain that can be soloed and muted. This should avoid these types of confusions.


    Oh, I understand, thanks you! 🙂

    That would be a very good improvement, because it’s pretty confussing. I’m talking a lot in my native language music forum about Podium ( and I could appear in the bad light if they discover this! 😛




    It’s not very important what I have to say but If you (frits) are really going to implement the “track wide mute” please consider that some plugins produce noise or constant signals. I guess the lane track is the track where the midi/audio stuff resides? In this case a noisy guitar amp would still be audible if the bottom track is muted.


    @ronin wrote:

    It’s not very important what I have to say but If you (frits) are really going to implement the “track wide mute” please consider that some plugins produce noise or constant signals. I guess the lane track is the track where the midi/audio stuff resides? In this case a noisy guitar amp would still be audible if the bottom track is muted.

    As part of the change, muting the bottom track will automatically mute all chained effect tracks.


    Thanks for having a look at ways to improve mute in Podium Frits. Very much looking foward to changes there thanks! 8)

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