Topic: zPitch

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  • #2227

    zPitch is a great plugin. But is there any hopes to having more controls?

    going on from cents to semitones and octaves, having 12 on each (1200 cents, 12 semitones, and 12 octaves — I know 12 octaves sounds like it might be much but, why not? lol) This would be of much greater use.


    I limited it to one octave up/down, because shifting further than that sounded horrible 😯

    The method used in zPitch is based on dividing the audio into variable-sized slices (determined by analysis of the waveform) and then cross-fading them while reducing/repeating slices to achieve the desired time-stretch. This is a CPU efficient method and it works well for small adjustments. For more extreme stretching you need a different and more CPU demanding algorithm.


    Yea, actually that horrible sound is what I’m going for.

    Its a technique I’ve used, and want to use again. But, with zPitch it’s non destructive — so I dont need to have 3-4 copies of the same audio.

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