Topic: Zynewave, your Vid for Drum templates

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  • #2334

    Hi, just saw again your video of making drum templates and there is one thing I wonder…

    I really like it to use the childtracks to host the different midi for drums…

    If the VSTi is hosted by a group track, is it still possibble to route the individual outputs from the instruments to other tracks or better to childs as well???



    I’m not sure I fully understand. Can you describe what you want in more detail?

    You cannot route audio from a parent track to its own child tracks. Everything flows upwards in the hierarchy.


    Sorry, I was a little to fast in my thoughts, I think 😀

    Here more in detail: If I use a multi-out instrument in the group channel, like you used Kore player for this example and I don´t only want to have the midi data on different channels, but the audio as well.

    So my question is: If a Multi out vsti is hosted by a group channel, can I although route the audio data to seperate other channels by using the different output devices of this multi channel instance???

    My second question was, if it would be posssible to route the audio to childs as well, but you already pointed, that this is not possible, right??



    I’m not 100% sure this is what you asked for, but I hope it helps. 😉

    The Kore Player instance in the video is not part of a multi-out mapping, as far as I can tell… There are no device mappings on the child tracks, so the MIDI data that is written on them flows up into the single Kore Player instance.

    If you want to use a multi-out instance, Podium creates the MIDI inputs and audio outputs separately. I think what you want to do is have audio outputs 1+2 routed to the track that sends MIDI on channel 1 (for example), and so on. This is possible if you edit the device mappings – look for the MIDI and audio configuration:

    After you configured everything, you can remove unneeded mappings and maybe save it as a template. Keep in mind that the device mappings’ audio/MIDI assignments are fixed, and can only be changed in the device mapping properties window. It’s therefore not possible to quickly reassign audio out 5+6 and MIDI in 4 to track X, as it’s all dependent to the device mappings.


    OK, it seems, I am not clear enough here… 🙂

    I don´t want to use Kore player, I want to use an multiout vsti like e.g. Battery for the drums…

    I want it as well to be hosted in a group channel like Zynewave did in the video to use the child tracks for the midi data…

    But I want additionally to the video use the multi outs (which are already defined in the device mapping) for routing the different drum sounds to additional Podium channels to be able to mix the individual drum sounds in Podium and not in the Plugin…

    My question was, If the “Main plugin” is hosted by a group channel, is it possible to insert the other multi outs devices to other channels e.g.:

    Track 1 is a group channel hosting Battery#1 Out 1+2 and it´s childs containing the midiclips triggering the drum sounds…

    on Track 2 I insert Battery#1 Out 3+4…it´s getting red and an error popup is telling me:

    “A library preset is already active on a previous track mapped to this plugin instance”

    Is there any way to do this…?



    And I am sorry, I have to go even one step further:

    How to send the audio from different outputs of the same plugin into different groups but having one “Master” group???

    What I mean:

    A drum vsti with 8 stereo outs shall play:

    OUT 1+2= Kick
    OUT 3+4= Open HH
    OUT 5+6= Closed HH
    OUT 7+8= Claps
    OUT 9+10= Snare
    OUT 11+12= Crash
    OUT 13+14 and 15+16= Percussions

    All of the drumsounds shall “end” in a “master” drum bus, but inside this routing I need “sub” busses for the Hihats, Claps+ Snare and the percussions, so finally it should be routed like this:

    Kick => Drum group
    OHH + CHH => Hihats Group => Drum group
    Claps + Snare => Snare group => Drum Group
    Crash => Drum Group
    Percussions=> Perc Group => Drum group

    Drum Group => Master

    Is this possible with a single Plugin like Kontakt or Battery using the multi outs (I know, how to set up the multichannels in Podium) or do I have to use multiple instances of the plugin?????



    Trancit, audio signal always goes from “child” to “parents” so if you’ve a “child” with a device that makes noise (i.e. a generator output) it signal will go through its parents.

    You can organize your devices (input devices and output devices) as you want, but you must respect the above rule.

    Take a look to this example with Drumazon:

    I’m layering two midi inputs (green channels) to global drumazon instance #1, which have 4 outputs:

    Bass Drum
    Hi Tom & Low Tom in a group (both processed with Devastor)

    You can do as many group tracks as you want. If you want to learn how to manage multiinputs and multioutputs plugins you can see this 3-video serie. Once you catch it, it’s really fast.

    Is this possible with a single Plugin like Kontakt or Battery using the multi outs (I know, how to set up the multichannels in Podium) or do I have to use multiple instances of the plugin?????

    So, yes, it’s possible and fast with only one instance. If you own Drumazon, Nepheton, Nithonat or Poise I could email you a *,pod file as example.


    Yeah, that´s what I wanted to know…thx very much…


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