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  • in reply to: Pianoroll navigation #19767

    Forgot to add that double clicking on the wheel button zooms the Part to full length. Good bonus when we get lost….

    in reply to: Pianoroll navigation #19766

    Thank you for you replay.
    First I need to congratulate you for the amazing work you are able to produce. Beside the technical performance you have a very good sense of aesthetic and taste. It is a pleasure to work in an environment that is visually appealing and elegant.

    I watched some of your videos and I was amazed at the depth of your program.

    I feel uneasy to come here as a first timer and starting from the very first post to suggest features, but I think everyone needs to be true to themselves so here I am.

    Here is a video that can explain better then my English.

    All that you see was done “without any modifier keys” and yes you can also start sliding even if the cursor is on top of an event.

    Some of the industrial design programs use the same protocol because it seems to be the most natural action for a person dealing with 2D and 3D space navigation.

    What do you think? It is a very fast system to write and arrange music on a pianoroll without thinking too much on the modifiers.

    All the rest of the necessary actions (the most used ones) that are not shown in the video, are done with one additional modifier key.

    The pianoroll issue is becoming the Achilles heel of many DAWs.

    Thank you

    in reply to: Pianoroll navigation #19763

    Awesome! 8)

    in reply to: Pianoroll navigation #19758

    In a couple of days I will post a little video that could shed some light on a neat mouse operation. Very efficient and FAST.

    Anyway, this is a great forum so far. Open mind users and probably Developer too.

    I watched some video on Podium and I must say it’s a first class software, in fact, beside my mouse habits and suggestions, for me it’s perfect.

    Still I need time to adjust….. :-k

    in reply to: Pianoroll navigation #19754

    Thank you for the warm welcome!
    Yes I will stick with it.

    Having worked from energyXT 1.3x and up to now with MuLab, I come to appreciate the extensive use of the Right Click which when used just for a menu is a kind of a waste. That was the majior reason I let go of Reason and Orion in the first place. (Orion though is a great DAW way apart from the usual group).
    Reaper did something with the RMB but not as well as the other two I just mentioned.

    Yesterday I played with Podium for a while and I can say that I could easily use it exclusively. It has what I need and some. It’s a visual pleasure and a refreshing workflow. Great vision indeed!

    I had to export some improvisations to MuLab in order to quickly polish it due to the reason of this post, but it’s still worthed so far… I hope.

    You have no idea what it means to have those feature I pointed out in a Pianoroll… it increases your speed tenfold, just with a slight change to a RMB behavior.

    I hope in the future this will become a standard to which several DAW are subscribing to and it will make Podium’ Pianoroll more flexible and accessible to even more large musicians diversity.
    Nothing is perfect, I know, this is why we have version numbers :wink:.

    This is definitely a work of love and it is among the best I ever came across in a DAW. One man operation? STUNNING!

    Thank you.

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