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  • in reply to: .mini file management #29948

    I do consider it for my work sometimes. I periodically download it and give it another try.

    in reply to: .mini file management #29931

    The idea of ‘might’ is something to avoid though.

    I’ve come to much prefer DAW’s that copy all samples to the project folder – like Studio One or Harrison Mixbus – as it takes guesswork out of the equation and houses all the peak files.

    Btw – I just noticed that I was the thread starter in that linked thread above.. lol

    in reply to: .mini file management #29924

    It’s my understanding that deleting .mini files from anywhere doesn’t have any potential to break projects – it will just recreate them when you open the project next anyway – so I wouldn’t worry about that.

    I’m used to the way Reaper does it – you set a folder to contain all your .reapeak files (Reaper equivalent). I then set ccleaner to delete the contents of that folder each time I perform its cleaning routine. It means they never build up too much.

    in reply to: .mini file management #29878

    And I posted to that thread too! 7 years ago! I just came back to playing around with Podium after a long while and it looks like the very same thoughts occurred to me again..

    I can’t even find a search button/function anywhere on the forum page..

    Edt – Ah, Search site in top right..

    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: Renaming VST Parameters #21616

    Thanks for the info thcilnnahoj – it’s pretty awesome there is this level of control over plugins (especially awesome for obssesive organisers like me…!).

    in reply to: Renaming VST Parameters #21609

    Thanks for the replies 🙂 i didn’t do any saving – I, perhaps naively, assumed that the parameter names would be remembered as a global thing perhaps stored in a podium configuration file somewhere. I don’t mind if you have to save a project once the names have been changed as i tend to work from template projects anyway. It’s all good – nice to have a host that allows this. It would make it complete if you could delete/hide parameters as so many plugins have reams of parameters simply marked as ‘unused’ or something.

    in reply to: Technology preview: Podium running on iOS & Android #20058

    @Zynewave wrote:

    @Slomo wrote:

    @Zynewave wrote:

    I would send a beta version on a floppy disk by postal mail to you. 😉

    I belive it should be ‘floppy disks’…if you don’t have a way like when you cut a piece out of a 5 1/3 floppy to be able to use the other side as well 😉

    Are you that old too? 😉 Ahh, the good old Commodore 64 days.

    the c64 was my first computer. i still play turrican from time to time…

    in reply to: Technology preview: Podium running on iOS & Android #20001

    i must admit – this whole thread has me a little worried. i get the impression that most of the user base of podium are of the more mature variety – older musicians who have been around the block a bit when it comes to audio software. in my mind, this kind of user ‘group’ is perhaps the least likely to use tiny hand held devices to compose on. perhaps i’m completely wrong… i don’t know. mobium would obviously be marketed at a slightly different user – but if this is the detriment of podium development it might see people leaving it in favour of another app. in my experience (what i have noticed at various forums i have been part of or lurking at over the years) even if an app is functioning very well some users tend to migrate if development slows or appears to all but cease. i would rather use an app that is being actively developed and discussed than an app that i am unsure about in terms of development, bug fixes etc.

    in reply to: Master Bounce #19978

    infinitoar – big tick rhino is currently on sale for 35 euros – an absolute steal for a supreme quality synth – very stable.

    in reply to: Technology preview: Podium running on iOS & Android #19966

    i’m pretty much with trancit too. i follow a number of blogs ie. synthtopia, createdigitalmusic etc. and it’s dismaying to see the amount of ipad, iphone, mobile phone etc. apps filling up it’s pages. it’s all catering for what i call the short attention span/disposable culture. if a person is going to do some serious audio work they are not going to sit on a train with a pair of headphones and a device no bigger than the palm of a your hand surely?

    anyway, rant over – i think, as development is already fairly slow (not a criticism) this would only serve to impede the main apps development.

    in a way though i can fully understand that you may want to develop in this direction as you need to put food on the table after all. it seems like there is a lot of development and interest in this direction generally but i think once the novelty factor has worn off in a couple of years few truly useful apps/devices will remain in the marketplace.

    in reply to: Master Bounce #19950

    hello again infinitoar :). i will give you the benefit of around 4 years of sifting through all the freeware out there… i place particular importance on stability so hopefully what i have to say will have relevance to you.

    in general steer clear of plugins that have been made with synthedit and synthmaker (or at least until you know more about what makes them buggy and how to get around the bugs, as there are methods). they are both buggy platforms to start with and most plugins built within synthedit have a severe bug related to multi core cpu’s that causes a host to crash if more than one instance of the plugin is loaded. there are a few exceptions to this (developers that have recompiled their plugins with a ‘fixed’ version of synthedit) but they are few and far between.

    here is a link to an excellent list: (that seems to be little known about!)

    here you can even get a copy of the last free beta version of audjoo helix which retails for $149 dollars now – totally legal btw afaik

    the best in terms of sound and stability (imo and most others i gather) are some of the ones i mentioned earler plus a whole load more from the list:

    triangle and triangle 2 – rgc audio synth (makers of the excellent 3eta) with a nice ‘clean’ sound
    rogue – good dirty sound
    synth1 – hands down the most well known free synth – think nord lead combined with the sound a korg poly 800 (imo)
    impulse older synth that may not install properly on vista/windows 7 machines but very good sounding and low cpu
    square 1 another rgc audio gem
    asynth lovely analog like sound with lots of filter choices
    helix excellent sound and super low cpu
    crystal very complex synth – can load sound fonts as oscillators
    linplug free alpha gem of a synth with mod matrix and lovely analog like filter

    in reply to: Master Bounce #19939

    @Infinitoar wrote:

    @bladerunner wrote:

    i think you have nailed your problem right there in that screenie – lots of ‘buggy as all hell’ synthedit and synthmaker plugins there. dsk stuff is awful for bringing down your host.

    Yeah I have to agree with you, DSK’s Plugins piss me off. Only DSK Choir I have left, but if anyone has a freeware choir VST I’d love to check it out.

    a little list of super stable hand coded plugs (all freeware)…

    synth1 (the daddy of all freeware synths)
    oatmeal (my own personal favourite – super deep synthesis options – it has one known bug in that it can crash a host when changing patches through the plugin gui – if you use podiums own patch browser this doesn’t happen)
    angelina (excellent suggestion from MoodyB ;))
    linplug free alpha
    zebra CM
    asynth (probably the best analog like sound in the freeware world)

    in reply to: Master Bounce #19934

    i think you have nailed your problem right there in that screenie – lots of ‘buggy as all hell’ synthedit and synthmaker plugins there. dsk stuff is awful for bringing down your host.

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