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  • in reply to: pianoroll has dissapeared #30230

    The piano roll in the windowed bit can be dragged to change its size, if it is invisible grab the left edge of the time bit at the top of the window.

    in reply to: Bouncing Midi #30129

    Probably I suggested 32bit plugins when you’re running 64bit podium which aren’t directly compatible with each other.

    in reply to: Bouncing Midi #30127

    With good sources of plugins I use the stuff from DSKmusic a lot. Most of others I use are on the list Kingtubby suggest or are samplers.

    in reply to: Bouncing Midi #30107

    I might be missing something in your pic but it looks like the midi isn’t being inputed into a plugin and the if there was a plugin it has been disabled. Midi isn’t sound, it is instructions of notes, durations and such needed to make the sound, so it needs a plugin to take the midi and turn it into sound which is what bounce files record.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by daid13.
    in reply to: What Audio Interface/s are You Using? #29819

    All of the above look a little more than I would like to spend( I am going cheapo 😉 ) and/or are discontinued, does the fact that one of a series is compatible mean that the rest of the series are more likely to be podium compatible or is it about the same chance and worth checking that they are compatible?

    in reply to: Windows 8.1 Other Sound Not Working #29762

    Maybe I’ve accidently set it up so that everything is trying to use this ASIO driver while it is running or beats don’t want to share.

    It is everything I’ve tried except for podium itself, web browsers, games, the thing that plays the cds are the thing I’ve specifically checked, with the web browsers and media player it doesn’t just run silently it stops it being able to play at all. I presume the same is happening with the games but I can’t see it in the same way.

    in reply to: Windows 8.1 Other Sound Not Working #29758

    I have worked out that the issue is connected with the ASIO drivers but as far as I can tell I’m using the same on both computers, both are ASIO4All v2.12, though I note that the options menus are slightly different. The ASIO4ALL forum suggests that there may be a setting in the program, here podium, to free up the drivers.

    I also have noted that the laptop is a HP and so came with beats audio installed, which I’m told may be an issue.

    in reply to: Don't know how to start curve editor #29663

    Thanks, that’s just what I needed.

    in reply to: Way of Saving Group of Tracks for Different Arrangments #29636

    That’s very useful to know, I also have found that from the project window you can copy arrangement, which works fine for me as I left a blank while experimenting before.

    in reply to: SOUNDCLOUD GROUP :) #29583

    I have pieces that I have made via Podium Free,the ones label K followed by a number are ones I’ve composed and the others are versions of classical or traditional music. Just realized I didn’t say my stuff is already on the page when I posted this.

    My username is the same there as here and I have facebook page if anyone is that interested https://www.facebook.com/daidsmusic/

    I would love any opinions and advise on my music.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by daid13. Reason: Forgot essential info
    in reply to: Funny Looking Bounced Audio #29522

    Yeah, it’s sounding fine, doing what it’s supposed to do. Thanks for advise it is useful, interestingly after the change you suggested it has gone to a more normal looking diagram, so I presume volume has something to do with it as well as distortion.

    in reply to: Funny Looking Bounced Audio #29514

    The image thing failed so here’s a linky

    A better comparision than to the harp is to the double bass which is actually is visible and is closer in volume

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by daid13.
    in reply to: Bounce stops #29140

    For the RAM question, 960 MB is what it says in the system tab but it is a lot slower than when it was new ten+ years ago, though that might not be connected to RAM.

    Since I saw your post I have both tried bouncing the master with the group track which has all tracks within bounced and removing the group tracks and bouncing all tracks individually followed by bouncing the master, both have resulted in the same thing, the master cutting out at the 16th bar.

    in reply to: Bounce stops #29068

    I have sorta fixed it in that I’ve put everything in a group ( aptly called everything) and bounce and exported from there. I’m still curious if anyone knows why it happened in the first place.


    in reply to: Bounce stops #29065

    A few things to add and I can’t work out how to edit so sorry bumping considered bad here.

    I only use plugins at the present so all of the the tracks are plugin based. All of the tracks have been used a some point earlier in the piece except for one which uses a plugin used earlier but with a slightly different setup. I have worked out how to make markers in the timeline so have deleted the track which was being used for that before.

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