Thanks for the pointer. As you said, the 32in/out appeared (along with 5.1 and 7.1). I think I have it working. I plugged the first VST to Track 1 (32 in and 16 out). Then on the master I plugged in the other VST (16 in and 5 out). I also see a 9-out. Not too sure where this came from. Our hardware is a little strange in that on the 32 output channels we only bring out signals on outputs 1 and 2 and then 8 ADAT channels on outputs 9-16. Maybe somehow the first 2 channels were considered stereo and the 8 ADAT mono giving a sum of 9 channels? I’ll do a little more digging. Overall, our impression is that Podium is a very nice program. Kudos.