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  • in reply to: Audio from VST withou Mic. #33935

    Thanks for this MLS. Yes I have found that drumsource can be used as an instrument although its not really what I was aiming for. I guess I was cheating really by using it as a sequencer. I’ve sort of concluded that this and many other VST’s like this are intended for use in a pure VST host program rather than a DAW, where they can run as stand alone plugins. As you say though they can be used as instruments in a DAW. That said, as you and kingtubby have both pointed out the bounce audio feature in podium does work quite nicely now that I’m aware of it and had a few days playing around to work it out.

    Many thanks for all your input, I think i can move forward now and start creating some music.

    in reply to: Audio from VST withou Mic. #33925

    Hi all

    Thanks for the help. The Drum machine is the drumsource VST.
    Remember that this is just an example. I’ve got the same issue with other VST’s so if this one can be sorted I’m sure the others will be too. Just to be clear on something the Track does accept input from the vst. the meters move. But if any audio input is selected when armed for record it immediately starts recording from the mic. which is not what I want. I just want the VST sequence. If Midi is selected as the input the meters also move but once armed for record there is nothing so nothing gets recorded.

    2 other things. 1. bounce does seem to do something but I’m not sure what to do with it after recording?? 2. I’ve got 2 laptop PC’s doing exactly the same thing but one is windows 7 the other is windows 10 so I don’t think is PC or operating system related.

    in reply to: Audio from VST withou Mic. #33915

    Hi. Thanks for your reply. What you suggest makes sense. The problem is that the drum machine I’m using is actually a sequencer whereby you load it with .wav clips from a sample library and then use the VST to sequence those clips for you. You can then play around with it until your happy before sending the sequence to the DAW track where its recorded.

    The real problem here I think is one of a concept in the design of Podium. There are only 2 types of input available, Audio and Midi. It would seem that from a design point of view Audio Inputs MUST come from real world external instruments via a hardware audio interface and Midi inputs come from software instruments. This is fine and totally logical of course until you start to use software instruments that have audio output then everything goes the shape of the pear. I’m pretty sure this is where Rewire comes in, somehow ?

    I think i’m gonna try JACK again. I did at least manage to get a track to record using it even if the playback was garbage. I might have got the routing wrong on the output side. Other than that maybe reconfiguring the VST as a rewire device might work. Other than that I could just ditch the idea of a drum machine and just drop the .wav clips from the sample library directly into the track and mess around in there. Thats a bit long winded and something I’d rather avoid really.

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