This explains a lot … 😉
Sync button works now, and Holger is going to give us the next preview, which has multiple outs! 😆
It is very confusing. Today I wanted to record some bass guitar. By now I am aware of the disk streaming issue. Thus I bounced ALL OTHER tracks to one file. I played this file during my record session, and I still got drop outs. I get the feeling this behaviour gets worse with the amount of files in the project folder. When I started the project, I didn’t have drop outs at all. Now with 7 arrangements in one project, all with several audio tracks (24 Bit; 44 kHz) I can’t get rid of the drop outs..
I really hope, that Frits manages to fix this soon.
it is really driving me mad 👿
when I finished recording our singer, I click (for whatever reason) in the timeline. Accidentally this click is a double click. Podium starts playing, and recording.. The whole take is gone. 😥
the undo feature would be such a great relief.
Welcome to the club 8)
Hey Darcy!
This seems similar to my problem with Halion. There it is related to the “unload from Ram” feature. When I check this box before I render, I get a crash. So I only check it after offline bouncing. This way I can avoid the crash.
@Zynewave wrote:
I can see your point that if you stop and restart recording at a later time, perhaps the previous event should not be extended, but rather a new event created that will be auto-extended for the duration of the recording.
Exactly! That would be perfect.
But what is the reason for the auto extending? And will the part in between consume space on my hard drive?
I use the toneport as my soundcard, yes. Everytime I forget to close Winamp when opening Podium, my whole PC crashes. But I am glad that I know the reason for the crash. Thus I can avoid it.
Thanks anyway for trying!
@Conquistador wrote:
The unpredictability of the audio dropouts in Podium makes it very tricky to use it as reliability goes out the window.
Absolutely agree! The ridiculous thing is, I can use only 6 or 7 tracks with audio, and the drop outs still occur..Even if I have no plugin on the whole arrangement. I defragmented my hard drive. Nothing has changend then.
Now it’s me with big drop outs. I mainly have audio tracks recorded from my band. All my Podium files are stored on an external USB harddrive with 7200 rpm. I have 2 GB of RAM. That shouldn’t be the problem then..
I’m glad you worked it out then… 😛
Have fun with Podium!!
Perhaps you have accidently switched on the boost in the meanwhile. Podium should react to your input as every other host.
Keep trying to get to grips with Podium! You soon will realize how flexible the engine is, and how well the interface works with one screen!
what do you mean by “turn on monitoring”? Do you mean the “power button” at the bottom left? Or do you mean a track mapped with an input mapping?
As I said above, try to disable the input mapping and see if the noise is still there.
I had a similar problem not long ago. I am using a notebook, too. I heard all the sounds that my harddrive produced. I have a USB audio interface and of course my internal soundcard. I tried some changes in the volume application (the windows standard one; here you have to switch to the settings for recording) and then the “amplified” noise was gone.