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  • in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: Audio editing workaround #9910

    Why don’t you use the very useful and flexible fade function in the arrangement window? It is non destructive and by bouncing to a bounce track, you can “render” your fade into an audio file if you want.



    Hey and welcome to the club! 8)

    I heard of others who use Guru with Podium, and they don’t have the problems you describe here. Try deleting the device mapping for Guru in the devices list, and reimport the plugin. Then restart Podium. If this doesn’t work, I am sure Frits will have more ideas.. 🙂


    in reply to: ezDrummer crashing #9907

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Are you using more than one instance of EZdrummer?

    Is it crashing with the message “A plugin has performed an illegal action…” or is it a general Podium crash?

    I could not find a downloadable demo of EZdrummer, so I can’t test this myself.

    Hi Frits,
    thanks for your reply. It is only one instance of ezDrummer, and it is a general Podium crash. I know that there is no demo, which makes it hard to find a possible bug. I don’t know what else I can do to help you.. 😕


    in reply to: Restricted to Podium license owners
    This content is restricted to Podium license owners.
    in reply to: Bounce Track Functionality #9835

    This question has come up quite often, so I may decide to change this behaviour.

    Hey Frits,

    Perhaps you could change that in the following way: When a track is bounce enabled, you could simply hide the level dials instead of dimming them. Thus people will not try to change the level and wonder why it doesn’t work..


    in reply to: Why Podium? #9817

    @pernst wrote:

    I started recording on computer about 9 years ago with N-Track, then went to Logic, and still have licenses for FL Studio and Energy XT. Podium is the best application I have used. The Audio handling is far superior to what I find in FL. Audio files and samples are visible from within the application (with the ability to delete them) in the List page. Pluggins can be defined and arrange in any desired order. This and file management puts it ahead of XT for me. XT was close to my ideal, but numerous takes that were never used and hard to find and delete made it untenable. Podium gives me every opportunity to arrange and work with system files.

    In addition, you can easily bounce and freeze at any point in an effect chain. Collapse, expand and hide any tracks, making complex arrangements easy to work with. Memory management (something FL decided was unnecessary) and CPU utilization are very efficient. With regard to CPU, don’t be fooled by relatively high CPU usage with an arrangement that has a few initial tracks. I don’t understand the reason, but as you added more effects, VSTi’s and audio tracks, CPU usage increases at MUCH slower rate than it does in other DAW’s. While a DAW like REAPER or XT will have a very low CPU usage with only a few tracks, they will have comparable or even higher CPU usage than Podium as the arrangement becomes more complex.

    Finally, to say Mr. Nielsen is a responsive developer is a huge understatement. He will help with issues you encounter and always listen to suggestions for improvements (regardless of how stupid they might be, and he does a good job of weeding those out without making you feel like an idiot).

    The appeal of software for music creation is a very personal thing. It depends on how one approaches song recording. Fortunately, there are number of applications with a variety of approaches to choose from. For me, I haven’t found a better one that Podium.

    Very well said!! 🙂

    in reply to: Drag and Drop to/from Libraries #9735

    1. Here is the idea for selected content (midi-events/audio data):

    Given the possibilty of dragging selected events of all kinds to/from folders in the list view and thereby saving those midi/wav-bits and pieces for later use as parts, Podium could deliver a variety of new and efficient workflows.

    Just looked at the to-do list:
    Auto-scroll when doing a drag action across the edge of the display area.

    Therefore the drag and drop to Library would either need to be optional or coupled with a pressed key.


    Library – Folder-Object in the List-View, Properties:global(saved in dedicated folder)/or local (saved with the project)

    I like this idea. Seems to be something no other host has yet. Pretty powerful.. 🙂

    in reply to: Forum für Deutsche User… #9723

    Auf der Projektseite von Podium wähle rechts in der Devices-Liste deinen aktuelles Midi-Device-Mapping. Rechtsklicke und wähle “new copy”. Im folgenden Fenster kannst du einen neuen Namen eingeben, und auf der linken Seite unter “Midi input interface” dein neues Midi Interface auswählen. Es muss natürlich zuvor korrekt installiert sein, sonst wird es nicht in der Liste erscheinen. Dann klickst du auf “ok”. Sollte so klappen! 🙂


    Frohe Ostern übrigens!

    in reply to: Google Maps – Where do you live? #9700

    Ok, and here I am.. 🙂


    Imagine tools like GoogleMaps 10 or 20 years ago! Funny..

    in reply to: No recording of sustain pedal? #9656

    Why isn’t it created by defualt, as pitch bend etc is?

    I asked this question myself many times. Perhaps Frits should change that.

    I’m glad it works now for you.


    in reply to: No recording of sustain pedal? #9654

    I had this problem too. You need to create a parameter for sustain. Use the forum search and you will find a thread with an explanation of how to do it.


    in reply to: Preview: Mixer redesign #9641

    That was fast!! 8)

    in reply to: Preview: Mixer redesign #9636

    And will there be an option to have the mixer view separated? I hope you will understand what I mean

    Please explain.

    You already gave the answer! 😉 The option you mentioned would be cool! Thanks!

    in reply to: Preview: Mixer redesign #9632

    Hey Frits, that really looks great. But one question: Up to now minimizing and collapsing tracks in groups and so on is reflected in both, the track area and the mixer area. This is something that can be annoying when you want to see every track in the mixer, but not in the track area. How are the recent changes handled? And will there be an option to have the mixer view separated? I hope you will understand what I mean 🙂


    P.S. Looking forward to the new mixer faders! 🙂

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