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  • in reply to: Preview 3.1.0: Extended Mackie MCU support #21294

    Hi Frits,

    tried beta5 and must say that I’m completely satisfied with the current support for my nanokontrol regarding my current needs. Of course there may be more ideas for further improvement which I will happily share and discuss with you and the community.
    I’d propose beta5 for release as 3.1.0.

    @miki_mak: just for curiosity: is this still useless for you? If so: what’s still missing, if not: it wasn’t that hard for us


    in reply to: Preview 3.1.0: Extended Mackie MCU support #21287

    Hi Frits,

    beta4 works (almost) as expected. The indicated channels can now be controlled by the respective channel on the controller no matter wether there are effects or not. Only the visible channels can be controlled. If I change visibility of channels for example by opening or closing a group channel, channel assignment is adjusted (ok at least to my needs).
    Only thing I would change is that neither the master channel nor return channels can be assigned to the controller (or am I missing anything?). At least the possibility to control the return channels would be nice.
    Maybe it’s alright for 3.1.0 right now but as you are currently working on this, some more improvements might be welcome and maybe also quite easy to implement (one idea that comes to mind here is the option to fix the master channel to controller channel 1 while assigning the other controller channels dynamically).


    in reply to: Preview 3.1.0: Extended Mackie MCU support #21272

    Hi Frits,

    thanks for beta3.
    Gave it a try and can report that assignment of visible tracks to controller channels works much more obvious now.
    But I still have a problem with certain channels not responding to controller movements that can be easily reproduced like this:
    Create a new group track with one child track and automation of the level on the child track.
    In the mixer, these 3 tracks can be controlled by the first 3 controls on the nanokontrol.
    Add an vsti effect to the child track and the child track cannot be controlled with the respective control channel on the controller anymore.
    Remove the effect from the child track and it can be controlled again.

    Can anyone confirm this?
    Frits, is this of help for more bugfixing?



    in reply to: Preview 3.1.0: Extended Mackie MCU support #21188

    hey, it’s a beta, not a release. I wouldn’t expect a new feature to work correctly in a beta version.
    I appreciate Frits’ efforts in trying to get nanokontrol to work. As we have to admit, a nanokontrol is no Mackie control – and as far as I can tell, the Mackie control implementation seems to work well.
    Frits does not own a nanokontrol so he depends on our support while developing new features.
    I am still ready to help improving Podium.
    Frits needs to have our constructive feedback on new features and missing functions.

    in reply to: Preview 3.1.0: Extended Mackie MCU support #21186

    @michi_mak: sounds pretty negative. Frits did a quick adjustment concerning the feel of the pan pots from beta1 to beta2. So probably there is a way for Frits to make this work, too.
    Right now, I don’t have the time to investigate, but in a couple of days, I will do. If Frits needs any further midi logs, please let me know.



    in reply to: Preview 3.1.0: Extended Mackie MCU support #21180

    Hi all, me again.
    Still trying with the beta2. Now, I’ve come across an issue that seems to be caused by the minimalistic design of the nanokontrol2.
    Selecting tracks puzzles me. I have an arrangement with group tracks, audio tracks and automation tracks (track levels). Since they are quite many in total (41 audio tracks, a couple of groups, many automation tracks), I ordered the tracks logically and I select several track views via the track tags.
    When the nanokontrol is active, the 8 tracks that are controlled by the controller are marked with the numbers respectively. The nanokontrol has buttons to select previous or next track group (8 tracks each). The tracks are selected for control no matter if the groups are expanded or not (so that unexpanded group members are controlled though they are not visible).
    Some tracks have the corresponding number of the control channel but cannot be controlled using the fader and pan pot.
    I understand that the sophisticated Mackie control offers the possibility to select several different operation modes, defining how group tracks and automation tracks are handled.
    To my opinion, using some simple control like the nanokontrol should either be able to control just the visible tracks (i.e. the expanded groups and the tracks selected by the track tags) or each track no matter if selected and displayed or not. I have no right idea how to define a better control setup for simple hardware controllers right now but am willing to share my ideas in further development to improve Podium any further.

    Discussion very welcome.


    in reply to: Preview 3.1.0: Extended Mackie MCU support #21172

    Hey Frits,

    Pan pots feel great with beta 2!
    They work just as I would expect. They use the full range from left to right and back. Turning quickly: values change quick, turning slowly: values change slowly and smooth. If I change a pan position with the mouse and turn a pan pot afterwards, position switches back to the knob’s absolute position.
    Would leave it as it is.

    Now, I’m going to try and use the nanokontrol2 in a real application and report back.



    in reply to: Preview 3.1.0: Extended Mackie MCU support #21168

    Hi Frits,

    gonna try tonight, when I’m back home (and the kids are in bed…) and report as soon as I’ve got news.


    in reply to: Preview 3.1.0: Extended Mackie MCU support #21160

    Hi Frits,

    I sent you kind of a midi event log of a full left to right and back sweep of a pan pot on my nanokontrol2 via email.
    Maybe you can use it for further optimization of the control surface support in podium.


    in reply to: Preview 3.1.0: Extended Mackie MCU support #21158

    Hi Frits,

    sorry for the slight delay with my answer.
    Regarding your questions:
    1. The knobs are regular pots with fixed min/max position (I think endless encoders are not realizable on a 60€ device)
    2. No, turning speed does not affect the effect of turning. If you think about a scale from -10 to 10 on the pan pots, effective values only come in a range from -3 to 3, the rest of the range has no effect on pan position in podium since maximum position has already been reached at -3/3.
    3. No, the other DAW-modes have no effect on this behaviour. Either the pan pots work as described or they don’t work at all.

    I’ve had a look at the midi values sent from the nanokontrol using midiox and I can confirm that the pan pots transmit something different from a regular continuous controller. I didn’t know that the MCU protocol is realized by counting ticks in this regard. Maybe there is a way to count the effective ticks that are created when I fully sweep a pot from left to right since I think that the nanokontrol would work like this. Would you have an idea how to achieve this? Hopefully, tonight I will have the chance to experiment any further.


    in reply to: Preview 3.1.0: Extended Mackie MCU support #21154

    Hi all,

    just received my korg nanokontrol2 and tried with the 3.10 beta. Played a bit around with the settings of the nanokontrol2 and now it works, using the “Live” setting (set marker/stop).
    Only thing that I don’t like so far ist that the pan pots just work in an area quite close to the central position. I get to the left-/rightmost pan setting by just turning about a quarter to the left or right.
    Maybe there is a way to scale the mapping of the pot.

    I keep on testing and provide more info as far as I find out anything new.


    in reply to: Korg Nanokontrol with Podium #21148

    I’d be a happy beta tester for the new functionality since I’m just also thinking about some hardware controller like the nanokontrol which is reasonably priced.
    Will you post the availability of the beta version on the vip board?


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