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  • in reply to: Waves plugins in Podium? #26756

    Ok so I’m still having this issue, I can’t seem to load the x32 version of the waveshell to access the plugins. If I run the x64 version in Podium x64 it works fine, but none of my other plugins are x64 so this isn’t a solution.

    in reply to: Computer shuts down when I close Podium #26716

    Ok I actually fixed it (or so it seems). I deleted WarmVerb and Eventide Ultrachannel from the plugins list. Earlier in the project I tried to load WarmVerb and got an error message saying that it caused an error to occur and that it may have corrupted the project. I deleted UltraChannel because I downloaded it yesterday and thought it may have something to do with the crash, but I tried doing a similar thing but without deleting WarmVerb and it still crashed, suggesting the problem is with WarmVerb.

    in reply to: Crash when rendering #25432

    Hi again. Still having this issue, have since got a new laptop and downloaded Podium 3.2.2 and it’s still happening, is a fix still in the works?

    in reply to: Crash when rendering #23017

    Can I please get another suggestion on how to fix this? I have tried messing around with the audio drivers (between ASIO4ALL and Windows MME) and different audio resolutions, but nothing stops it from crashing a simple track after 3-4 mins. Realtime bouncing gives the same result. Are you sure nobody else has had this problem before in the past?

    Only reason I ask is because I have a track which I need to have done in the next week and these problems are preventing me from getting it exported!

    in reply to: Crash when rendering #23007

    I have 4GB of RAM, shouldn’t that be enough to render a 9 minute track in one go? I don’t have any other windows open when I’m rendering so there shouldn’t be much else taking up the memory.

    And it’s on all tracks, not just the master – even tracks with only Sylenth1 running and no effects I can’t get to render in one go. I’ve even tried bouncing every single track, in segments, before bouncing the master completely, to no avail.

    I took a look at the task manager, whilst bouncing a 9 minute track running only Sylenth1, no effects etc., and only about 4 minutes of the track actually had any MIDI. Looking at the desktop with no windows open my computer uses around 600MB RAM and 5-10% CPU. Opening an arrangement in Podium bumps this up to 1.5GB and 24% approximately. When I started rendering, the RAM slowly increased until it reached the 3.5-3.65GB region, where it went up and down until crashing at a value of 3.52GB, and used between 40 and 60% CPU throughout. Can you take anything away from these values?

    Surely RAM shouldn’t even be an issue, should it not just render more slowly instead of crashing?

    Really appreciate the help, I’d love to be able to render everything in one go, so I don’t get the awkward start-stop sounds throughout my tracks.

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