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  • in reply to: Mute sequences? #8188

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Could you describe the situation where you would want to mute an individual clip on a track?

    Certainly. For me personally this is simply a quick way of trying out different arrangements of a song. (What happens if I lift the drums on this part? Or the bass? or both? No, maybe not… etc)

    This probably will be at a point when the song has advanced from the first idea or sketch, so I might have notes or events I may want to re-use later in some other part, so I want to sort of keep them. I also might want to change my mind later.

    If there is some simple workaround that people use I’m happy learn about it. I’m thinking already in my head of adding a muted child track where I can drag the seq:s i want to mute. But this will of course clutter up the arrangement.


    in reply to: MIDI file import #8125

    @Conquistador wrote:

    Yes welcome. Support is first class as you probably can guess already. 8)

    Yes, that’s my impression. Traffic here in this forum doesn’t seem overwhelming, though. Maybe Podium works so good there isn’t much need for support… 😉

    I’m in a very early stage at this point, but another impression I get is that although Podium may seem a little hard to grasp in the beginning, when you start to understand some of the underlying principles the interface actually seems very thought through.

    We’ll see…


    in reply to: MIDI file import #8106



    in reply to: MIDI file import #8104

    @Zynewave wrote:

    Use the “Import file…” menu on the project page or drag the MIDI file onto the project page (not onto tracks). This will create an arrangement with all the tracks in the MIDI file.

    Thank you for your answer. This seems to work very well. I looked for the import funktion in the arrangement. The project page is a little mystifying for a beginner.

    I’ll pay up for a licence later tonight. 8)


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