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  • in reply to: And this is how Podium dies…??? #22126
    Time Traveler

    @Zynewave wrote:

    I have no intention of letting Podium die. I realize it’s been a while since the last release, but I’ve been busy with another job. I have to do other work to make a living.

    Most overnight successes come with a 20 year story of struggle. Just remember.. Podium has a free version. Tablet computers will be bigger than the PC and Laptops ever were. Tablets are inexpensive, and mobile, and they are only going to get more powerful.

    Word of mouth is a funny thing. 1 minute you are nobody.. Next minute, “a major person of influence starts to use the product, and boom.” You win.

    I saw the founders story of this company on CNBC, “how I made my millions.”


    episode 9


    I’ve also spent some time with the Windows 8 developer preview, to examine what is needed to make Podium run on that platform. The world is moving fast towards touch-based input on tablet-size form factors, and I want to ensure that Podium will run on those systems as well.

    Awesome! I think this is the right idea for sure.

    That will require a series of updates that I’m preparing, such as an updated project file storage method, and updates to the graphics and audio layer I’m using in Podium. Those updates will take some time and unfortunately does not provide new features, but I find it important that Podium will be able to support all Windows 8 platforms (Intel/Arm) from the day Windows 8 launches.

    I am waiting for October as well. I am in the market to buy a Lenovo Thinkpad tablet.. Perhaps a Microsoft Surface Tablet.. I am not sure yet.

    I’m hoping to travel to Jamaica in late January, or early February of 2013. I hope to take a tablet done there and record some Reggae.. I think Podium would be perfect for this.

    Its lightweight. Without bloat. I can tell it runs well, and is stable. The full version has Rewire ( Important to me, because I am a Renoise user. ) Also, Podium has a 64 bit mix engine! Awesome…

    When I buy my tablet in October or November.. You can be quite sure you have at least one person, coming to download the Podium Demo and see how it works.

    Where there is 1. There is many. That is nature of music. And our connected world.

    You have a beautiful software here. I wish I had found out about it sooner.

    Time slows down in the morning, never give up..


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