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    in reply to: Rendering/Bouncing #22055

    Whew!!! Okay, I uninstalled, then reinstalled the 3.2.0 update. So now, I’m able to right-click a sub-menu, to include the bounce options, on any track I choose. Everything appears to be working just fine. My issues may have derived from “operator error.” PEACE!!! 😀

    in reply to: Rendering/Bouncing #22054

    Negative. Only when I right click the master track am I able to view a sub menu, at all. Now, if I use the “B” shortcut to render a midi track, then afterwards, I’m able to view a sub menu, but only with the left click.

    in reply to: Rendering/Bouncing #22052

    It appears that I can right click a bounce menu on the master track, but not so with any other tracks. Could it be a settings problem?

    in reply to: Rendering/Bouncing #22051

    Okay, so I tried right clicking on the sequencer and mixer tracks for bouncing, but nothing. Maybe the problem is with my preference settings, or something. I attempted to reinstall the program, but I’m not seeing any changes.

    in reply to: Rendering/Bouncing #22048

    Okay then, so I’m not crazy. I thought I should’ve been able to right click on a sequencer track and see a bounce menu. I knew I was able to do it before, prior to this last update. For some reason, that’s not happening, now. For starters though, I’ll take your advice and make sure I’m not right clicking any button areas. I’ll let you know what happens. Thanks!!!

    in reply to: Rendering/Bouncing #22046

    Fantastic!!! I figured it out. I’m also a bit embarrassed. First: I was trying to right click the tracks when I should have been left clicking them. When I left clicked, it displayed the submenu to bounce/render to its own track. Second: I thought I could right or left click the tracks from the sequencer in order to bounce/render. Boy, was I wrong. You have to right click the bounce selector (Bounce) located in the Mixer tracks to display the submenu. Then, et voila, all the bounce options are at your disposal. Thank you all for your quick responses. 😀

    in reply to: Rendering/Bouncing #22043

    Thanks a bunch, Slomo!!! That did the trick. But, how about bouncing/rendering the results to their own track?

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