Topic: 1.08

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  • #249
    • Insert plugins are now shown in lists with a red icon if the plugin dll file could not be found. Previously only global plugins were shown with this error state.
    • When changing the root VST plugin folder, all plugin mappings configured to be relative to the root folder will be updated and unloaded/loaded.
    • If there are any broken plugin mappings in the project, the plugin panel in the project wizard is extended with a listbox and buttons for starting a search for the plugins.
    • When importing plugin device definition files with the wizard, Podium will automatically search for the plugins in the VST root folder tree if the plugins could not be found in the folder specified in the definition file.
    • Wave files can be dragged from the list window file panel onto tracks.
    • MIDI files can be dragged from the list window file panel onto tracks. When dropped on a track with a parameter assigned, the first parameter sequence in the MIDI file will be imported. When dropped on a non-parameter track, the first note sequence in the MIDI file will be imported.
    • Files can be dragged from the list window file panel and dropped in object lists and browser pages to import files. Pressing control key will import files into the object under the cursor.
    • Trying to import a sound file that already is imported will result in a load error. Previously it was possible to have several sound objects referring to the same sound file, which could lead to confusion.
    • The device specific definition files in the library are no longer included in the installer, making the download 100 KB smaller. The definition files can be downloaded separately from the database in the Device Definitions forum.

    busy guy!!!

    ta frits, I’ll try it out!


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