Topic: 1.72

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  • #1037
    • Updated the “Project” chapter in the Podium guide.
    • “Search For Missing Plugins…” is added to the top menu in the devices panel. This command is available if there are any plugin mappings with invalid file references.
    • Fix: Bouncing a track that did not have any audio child tracks would render the bounce sound with a DC offset instead of silence.
    • Fix: Parameter sliders on mixer strips were not responding correctly if the parameter tracks were drag-reordered.
    • Fix: Dragging a level or pan slider would not always update the parameter correctly if a curve sequence was not created beforehand.

    Cheerz! 😉





    thanks Frits


    @Zynewave wrote:

    [*]”Search For Missing Plugins…” is added to the top menu in the devices panel. This command is available if there are any plugin mappings with invalid file references.

    I have been really putting this one to the test as I have many projects somewhat orphaned (FX and Instrument wise) because of a recent reshuffle of my plug ins location and structure.

    The ease of use is quite remarkable. One click! :mrgreen: It is absolutely flawless. All my orphaned projects can now be brought back online with just one click! 😀

    Podium really does offer a very quick workflow. It’s maturing very well. 😉

    “Search for missing plugins” is a great time saver. A little – big feature.
    Thanks Frits 8)

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