Topic: 1.76

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  • #8595

    If you want to use the rendered sound events as a regular clip, then the recommended procedure is to move it to a regular audio track.

    I just thought I would add a few lines about this issue that may help other Podium users while also providing a possible idea for sometime in future.

    Trackton allows for a track to be bounced and to remove the effects on that track in one click. Perhaps this sort of option might be considered for Podium at some point.

    As for now though here is another recommended approach to add to yours…the master track.

    If this is bounce enabled one could solo the instrument track and bounce using the master out. One could easily draw in a desired size for the sound event before hand. Once bounced, that audio file can be dragged to another new track.

    This way the master out can act as a sort of feeder track for bounces. Not my first choice but another approach that would also work. 😉

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