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  • #1983



    uhmmm I’ll try this afternoon


    @moikkelis wrote:

    This is weird thing. If i try to hold vst or vsti knobs down long time, podium seems to like refresh graphic view and then it automaticly close my vst. Holding down mouse 1 more than 4 seconds this will happen. Its kinda hard to finetune knobs when this happen šŸ™

    I dont rly know what this is. It’s acting like it refreshing something. Has anyone else have this kinda behaviour?

    I just tried with a few plugins, and did not see this behaviour.

    Which plugins does this occur in?

    Is the parameter you are trying to edit being automated/recorded by Podium?




    @moikkelis wrote:

    This is weird thing. If i try to hold vst or vsti knobs down long time, podium seems to like refresh graphic view and then it automaticly close my vst. Holding down mouse 1 more than 4 seconds this will happen. Its kinda hard to finetune knobs when this happen šŸ™

    I dont rly know what this is. It’s acting like it refreshing something. Has anyone else have this kinda behaviour?

    I was hoping it was just my set up but I have had the exact same problemwith Stylus RMX. Some older plugins have the same issue (Fish Fillets e.t.c) on Vista x86 and x64. I think the PSP Mix Pack also had the same issue in Podium.

    With 2.18 I still get the screen shift problem described in that link. šŸ™


    Hm, same here with the Fish Fillets.
    When you start grabbing a knob in one of them, the Podium UI freezes, as it does when you move a plug-in window around or a standard Windows menu opens up inside a plug-in. Don’t know if that’s normal behaviour – in any case, it never bothered me. With the Fish Fillets, CPU use goes up drastically also.

    The screen shift, however, I only get when the task manager’s open.
    No such problems with other plug-ins.


    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    With the Fish Fillets, CPU use goes up drastically also.

    I could be way off (since I can’t remember if they have this “problem” or not), but could it be denormals? Does it only happen during silence on the one track?


    I wouldn’t know anything about that. Just that it happens regardless if they’re processing something or not, and it’s the same in other hosts. I still like them, though. šŸ˜‰

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