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  • #1992



    That’s very kind of you.

    I do have a PayPal account. My PayPal email is: shop at
    (substitute the ” at ” with @)

    Depending on how much you intend to donate, you also have the option to purchase an additional 1 year of Podium software upgrades for $35, as described on the purchase page. The year will be added to your existing upgrade period. That way you get something for your money.




    Thanks for the donation. Much appreciated. πŸ™‚




    @moikkelis wrote:

    May i ask do you code podium alone? And if so, are you ever though to hire someone with you? Is it possible on financially?

    I do everything myself. My main interest is the development, so hopefully some time in the future I’ll be able to hire help with web-page design, manual writing, etc. At the moment I do not have funds for hiring help though.




    Starting to feel a little pushy now… Wouldn’t be surprised if I’m the only one who replies to this. πŸ˜‰

    Okay, don’t take it the wrong way, but as opposed to donating to makers of free (GPL etc.) stuff, I don’t think you should feel obliged giving donations to a commercial project, especially if you’re a student and have small or no income (yet). As much as I like the product… Sorry!
    Instead, I’d much rather continue trying my best to help users on the forums, making suggestions and commenting on development, reporting the odd bug, or maybe doing tutorial videos and such.

    If that’s not good enough, well, I’ll have to walk with the shame. Or is it blame? πŸ˜‰

    But so far, Frits hasn’t asked for additional monetary support. I guess more of us wouldn’t hesitate much to scrape together something if Zynewave were to be on the verge of going under, though I can’t imagine how even a few hundred dollars a month could sustain any lifestyle in a western european country.






    @moikkelis wrote:

    I have now donated ~64$

    Wow, thanks 😯

    I am grateful, and I think you have donated enough now. Please save your money for a cinema ticket, or a nice dinner out in the town πŸ˜‰

    I would not like my customers to feel that they are obliged to donate additional money to me. A lot of users are very helpful on this forum, which saves me time, which is worth a lot of money to me. A cheap and simple way to help me out, is to recommend Podium to friends you think would find Podium useful. The biggest problem I have is that Podium is relatively unknown. I’m not spending much time on promotion, which is a bad business decision 😳




    @moikkelis wrote:

    Podium is way too cheap. Or at least it think so πŸ™‚

    I can’t disagree with that. Considering the effort I have put into Podium development, selling a license for $50 is ridiculously low, compared to for example the prices of some commercial VST plugins. But I have to adjust my prices to competitors in the host market, and there are many that are priced below $100.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    @moikkelis wrote:

    Podium is way too cheap. Or at least it think so πŸ™‚

    I can’t disagree with that. Considering the effort I have put into Podium development, selling a license for $50 is ridiculously low, compared to for example the prices of some commercial VST plugins. But I have to adjust my prices to competitors in the host market, and there are many that are priced below $100.


    That is pretty much it. Its not the value of Podium that is reflected in the price but the market it competes in. I can only imagine how much money a developer of an app like Podium should really be making for the Professional Development, Programming, Graphic design skills, internal testing, Support e.t.c that go into each release.

    Likely ***far*** more than the $50 asking fee for Podium. But competing products are most certainly driving the price down. Some creative marketing might help. Plenty of info and feedback in the VIP.

    Might be worth looking at some of those VIP Marketing related threads again Frits. :-k


    Podium for me is the best host I tried. I do everything I can for support it, promoteeven. I don’t promote it because I use it, but I think that Podium can help to tons of midi musicians and it would be a great help for them.

    However when I advice it, some guys complains about certain aspects when they try the demo, and when I’m agree with those aspect I do a feature request here.

    Best regards πŸ™‚

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