Topic: 2.20 keeps crashing on audio record

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  • #2028
    Malcolm Jacobson

    Hi Frits,

    I’ve been happily playing around with the MIDI features of Podium 2.20 for the past few days and everything’s been going fine, but today Podium keeps crashing on me when I try to record a voice over track in a new arrangement. The POD file isn’t saved and all of the audio is lost. Luckily it keeps crashing within the first few minutes of recording.

    When Podium crashes a generic windows error message is generated, asking if I want to report the error (to Microsoft).

    I’m trying to record a mono track at 44.1kHz.

    Please let me know what information you need to investigate this crash.




    Send me a minimal project file, with a description of the steps you take to start the recording.

    Are you doing anything in the Podium UI when the crash occurs?

    Malcolm Jacobson

    Would the one I emailed you the other day do?


    1. Arm Track 1 – input Analog in 1.
    2. Zoom UI out so about 8 minutes is showing across the screen (using the “Tracks” default from 220).
    3. Press Record button on Transport.
    4. Press Play button on Transport.

    Audio starts recording, but crashes at any point less than 3 minutes.


    Ouch!. I got the crash. It’s in the code for the UI rendering of the waveform, which I recently speed optimized. 😳

    I’ll fix it and release 2.21 within a couple of days.

    Many thanks for reporting this.

    Malcolm Jacobson

    Thanks Frits, I confirm this bug is fixed in 2.21.



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