Topic: A challenge – Kore automation

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  • #2024

    Most apps seem to have difficulty recording button switches in NI Kore (automation) and although Podium records the XY morphing well it also struggles with the fast button switches:

    even NI say that it can’t be done and yet I have just discovered that Acid 7 can do it just using standard touch or latch modes. I hate Acid though and in other respects it is buggy as hell so would prefer my favourite host to be able to do it. If Acid can do it why not Podium?


    Are you Kymeia on that thread?

    Since I don’t have Kore2, can you elaborate on what you mean with “struggles”?


    Yes I am. I really meant it just ignores them. So do most hosts but as you can see Acid manages it somehow and just using normal automation (in touch or latch modes).

    Just to help explain the problem here is an image of Kore 2:

    The Morph pad is the 4×2 rectangle that records 8 states (patch variations) and enables one to morph smoothly between them using either the mouse of the hardware controller. You can also snap instantly to a square using mouse clicks or button presses (you see the buttons on the Kore hardware – each corresponds to a square).

    Most hosts including Podium can record the smooth changes between params in the Morph Pad (whether done with the mouse or hardware) but apart from Acid all the rest cannot seem to record the fast snaps using the buttons or mouseclicks approach. Fast snaps are useful in performance though as you can use them as fast patch changes or for more dramatic effect than the smoother changes.

    Kore uses standard VST (host) automation to send information to the host – not midi cc (although it can do that too) if that’s any help.


    Is it the same VST parameter number(s) that gets recorded both when using the morph pad and the quick buttons?

    If so, then I’m guessing the problem lies with the way that Kore uses the VST BeginEdit/EndEdit commands to notify about parameter changes. These commands are used to allow the host to ignore automation playback as long as the user has grabbed a control in the plugin. That it works in Acid could be because Acid ignores the BeginEdit/EndEdit system. Just guessing. I also read in your linked topic that NI responded with “This is a known bug of Kore 2 and will be hopefully fixed with a future update”.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    Is it the same VST parameter number(s) that gets recorded both when using the morph pad and the quick buttons?

    If so, then I’m guessing the problem lies with the way that Kore uses the VST BeginEdit/EndEdit commands to notify about parameter changes. These commands are used to allow the host to ignore automation playback as long as the user has grabbed a control in the plugin. That it works in Acid could be because Acid ignores the BeginEdit/EndEdit system. Just guessing. I also read in your linked topic that NI responded with “This is a known bug of Kore 2 and will be hopefully fixed with a future update”.

    Yeah but later on someone else from NI states that a fix is hard without breaking AU compatibility (for some reason) so it might be a long time coming. Clearly though Acid is recording something (even if it’s due to Acid not sticking to specs – that would be ironic)

    Yes it does use the same param ID (you can see in the picture for comparison I recorded some button presses then a stretch of smooth morphs to check this and it uses the same envelope for both – e.g. one is designated param 21) – there is a demo version if you want to investigate (you won’t need the hardware – you can replicate the button presses by clicking on the square as opposed to dragging between them)



    I assume the BeginEdit/EndEdit command is normally important so I’m wondering now how Acid gets away with not implementing it (assuming that’s the case) without repercussions?

    Is it something that could be toggled on and off so I could record Kore but then switch back for other plugins?

    You’d probably have Kore users flocking to you in droves if you implemented that – it’s like the holy grail 🙂


    As long as NI acknowledges it’s a result of their design, and the issue is present in almost every other host, I think it’s a bad investment of my time to look into this. There are a lot of new features I’d rather be working on.


    Up to you but I’m pretty sure NI are not going to fix this in the foreseeable future as they have stated it would break AU compatibility and they are not prepared to do that.

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