Topic: Another newbie here…

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  • #2205


    was there a significant change in Podiums UI???

    From all pictures or videos I´ve seen, there was a visible “trackhierarchy”… Installed 2.28 today (I am a new user) and I don´t see any hierarchy anymore??? Neither in at the tracks, nor in the mixer…

    Another question: In many pictures of the mixer, the busses appeared at the right of the window…
    If I create a bus (create a track, choose return 1 as source), it appears as “normal” track in the same order as normal tracks…

    In another post here, I´ve read something about create a childtrack…How can I do this??? My guess would be to create a track and set it to group, create another track and drag it onto the group track…

    I demoed Podium about one year ago and there were childs created with every plugin I´ve loaded in a track…




    was there a significant change in Podiums UI???

    Yes, there have been significant changes to the Podium UI over the last year. All changes have been made in an effort to improve user friendliness.

    From all pictures or videos I´ve seen, there was a visible “trackhierarchy”… Installed 2.28 today (I am a new user) and I don´t see any hierarchy anymore??? Neither in at the tracks, nor in the mixer…

    The hierarchy is still there, but in the case of chains of effect tracks, these have been consolidated into an effect chain panel that you can find embedded in the inspector, track headers and mixer strips.

    Another question: In many pictures of the mixer, the busses appeared at the right of the window…
    If I create a bus (create a track, choose return 1 as source), it appears as “normal” track in the same order as normal tracks…

    That was a recent change to the default setup that came with the introduction of track tags. You can dock the bus returns by selecting View/Customize Region/Mixer and then set Bus Returns to “Dock at right side”.

    In another post here, I´ve read something about create a childtrack…How can I do this??? My guess would be to create a track and set it to group, create another track and drag it onto the group track…

    Yes, that’s one way to do it. You can also right click the group track and select “add new child track”.



    thx very much for showing me the right way 😀
    I guess I´ll come back soon to ask for more…there are so many hidden features I´m not aware of…let´s see.



    Am I right, that Podium doesn´t support Midi VST´s (as effects)???

    Is there any way to show different tracks in the track panel and the mixer??
    For example, I would like to see the Busreturns in the mixer, but not in the tracklist/trackpanel…



    @Trancit wrote:

    Am I right, that Podium doesn´t support Midi VST´s (as effects)???

    True, it doesn’t support them. It’s on the todo list for quite some time. I use a subhost for that (if I need it, which I rarely do).

    Is there any way to show different tracks in the track panel and the mixer??
    For example, I would like to see the Busreturns in the mixer, but not in the tracklist/trackpanel…

    I’m not sure actually. I think it is, the editor profile feature is very powerful when you dig into it, but someone will enlighten us very soon 🙂


    @Trancit wrote:

    Is there any way to show different tracks in the track panel and the mixer??
    For example, I would like to see the Busreturns in the mixer, but not in the tracklist/trackpanel…

    Not currently, no. It was suggested during the Track Tags beta, but hasn’t come to pass yet, because it was a little over-complicated, I think.

    If you just want to hide bus tracks in the arrangement view, however, that can be done.
    Assuming you’ve set busses to be shown docked in the mixer, select the “Tracks” tag on the track toolbar, right above the tracklist:

    This will hide the master and bus tracks from the tracklist, but they’ll remain visible in the mixer, as long as they’re docked.

    Keep in mind that you might need to show them again at some time, as there can be automation events recorded on all of these tracks as well!
    Just click on the “Tracks” tag again to deselect it.


    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    This will hide the master and bus tracks from the tracklist, but they’ll remain visible in the mixer, as long as they’re docked.

    Yeah, that´s exactly, what I was looking for, thx very much


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