Topic: Automation problem

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  • #13401

    Yes it’s a step forward and thanks for the quick response. The value now starts in the right place when I create an envelope but as you say there’s still a big problem in that until I start moving the knob it still reverts to zero and anything I have played up until that point is silent or changed (depending on the starting patch and param selected of course)


    You can avoid the starting gap on the parameter track, by enabling punch-in on the transport toolbar, and keeping the punch-in position at zero.

    But your post made me think. Starting recorded sequences at the play cursor position makes sense for note sequences, but not really for automation. So there is a new 2.06 beta7 with:

    • Recording parameter automation will create curve sequence events starting at the beginning of the arrangement instead of at the current play position.


    I’ve never used that because I don’t know what punch in is. My guess was that it means recording starts when I start playing? If so as you can see I had already played several bars before touching the knob but they end up silent.

    I’ll try the new beta thanks


    With the latest version automation is working properly at the start of the track now but if I stop moving a knob but carry on recording (or move onto a different knob) the knob position is dropping to zero on playback from that point which ruins the track. It should stay where I left it.


    @aMUSEd wrote:

    With the latest version automation is working properly at the start of the track now but if I stop moving a knob but carry on recording (or move onto a different knob) the knob position is dropping to zero on playback from that point which ruins the track. It should stay where I left it.

    I’m considering changing this behaviour in a future update. For the time being you need to resize the curve sequences to the full length of whatever they control, to avoid that the parameter value snaps back to the default value.


    It would be great if you do, thanks. I don’t understand why it should have this behaviour in the first place though – it seems a very strange way to create automation if it doesn’t follow the instrument/effect setting as left by the user. I don’t know any other host that does automation this way. The workaround you suggest is doable if I just have 1 or 2 envelopes but if I have a more complex piece I can see it becoming a turn off.


    Any chance of a fix soon?


    @aMUSEd wrote:

    Any chance of a fix soon?

    It’s not on my plan for 2.08 and 2.09.


    Pity. I can’t understand why this isn’t seen as more of a priority. Is no-one else using automation with softsynths apart from me?


    @aMUSEd wrote:

    Pity. I can’t understand why this isn’t seen as more of a priority. Is no-one else using automation with softsynths apart from me?

    Yeah I agree with you for sure. The way I see it though is that Frits is doing fantastic work on some other features so for the meanthime you just apply the work-around as detailed above. The manual curve/parameter editing features are pretty sophisticated.

    Gotta thank you for this one tho:

    @aMUSEd wrote:

    Recording parameter automation will create curve sequence events starting at the beginning of the arrangement instead of at the current play position.


    @aMUSEd wrote:

    Pity. I can’t understand why this isn’t seen as more of a priority. Is no-one else using automation with softsynths apart from me?

    I agree. While I appreciate Frits has his hands full with other new developments there are more than a few hosts out there that have features that are left to wither. It starts with a few then goes down hill from there unless enough complaints are made about it.

    Frits has a brilliant track record with bugs but this is not exactly a minor bug. Because Podium does not have the marketing muscle or adverstising consistency of bigger devs (or even some smaller devs)…bug fixing becomes quite necessary for it to stand out.

    On average new releases appear every 8 weeks so a post 2.09 fix could be at least a month to 3 months away. 🙁

    I am sure First has a development schedule (for new features) and wants to focus on that but…this bug is not minor IMO.

    I will say again that Frits has a fantastic record for fixing bugs but with little or no marketing here…bug fixing is essential for such a low profile host like Podium or really its a case of great features but “this does not work properly or that” e.t.c

    I appreaciate Frits is human but this bug is not something that should be put off for two releases IMO. Sorry.

    Just my 2pence worth. 🙂


    I think it would be nice if there was a permanent ‘default’ node on a parameter track, that would be set to the default value for the preset. It could even be represented by a different-coloured line across the clip – similar to the way volume levels, etc. are often overlaid on clips in other hosts.

    Then, the left-most user-added envelope node would connect to this value, and the right-most user-added node (the last, which could be the same) would connect to this value.

    This would mean that the user could change this value to override the default, or just modify with additional nodes, but the end value would always equal the start.

    Hopefully that made sense.


    Yes but the end value should not be equal to the start – it should be where the user left it. And although in most cases the start position will probably be the same as the default for a particular patch, again if a user has set it differently (by tweaking the patch before playing) then that should be where it starts. I’m sure many improvements could be made in automation but for now I’d just be happy for Podium to do what every other sequencer does and not keep changing the sounds to some pre determined “default” – the user should have the control, not the sequencer.


    @Conquistador wrote:

    I am sure First has a development schedule (for new features) and wants to focus on that but…this bug is not minor IMO.

    This is not a bug. I designed it to work this way, and it has worked this way since the first Podium release. I have acknowledged that the majority of users find this automation behaviour undesirable, and I will look at an alternative solution in a future update to the automation system.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    This is not a bug. I designed it to work this way, and it has worked this way since the first Podium release.

    Thanks for the further clarification. 🙂

    I assumed bug because of the automation behaviour discussed in this thread and also because of your own response to aMUSEd question “any chance for a fix soon” earlier in this thread” you responded but did not say it was “designed to work that way” in response to his post. So I guess I somehow misunderstood what kind of problem this is. Anyway…moving on…

    I have acknowledged that the majority of users find this automation behaviour undesirable, and I will look at an alternative solution in a future update to the automation system.

    Thanks a future revision will definitely help.

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