Topic: Binding midi controllers to VST plugins

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  • #1163

    Hi there.
    Ive got a M-Audio Ozone that im trying to run with Podium. Its working nicely with audio and playback of midi notes from the keyboard. But what I cant figure out how to do is to assign one of the knobs on the Ozone to control a parameter in a VST synth, for instance Cutoff or Resonance.
    Ive been reading manuals and forums and no can do.

    Im really new at midi+sequencing so any help would be appretiated! πŸ™‚

    And thanks to author for making such a awesome sequencer availiable for free through CM, if I get things set up right and manage to learn it I will for sure purchase the full version.



    Currently you can only control VST parameters by MIDI if the plugin supports it. Try looking for a MIDI learn feature in the plugin editor.

    I plan to add MIDI learn support in Podium later on.



    Aha that explains a lot ^^
    Thanks for the rapid answer!
    Greetings from Norway/Sweden ><


    This may or may not work, but Asseca has come out with a utility (mGUI) that allows you to skin GUI-less plug ins. One of the benefits of the skinned plug-in is that it provides a midi-learn capability (I think). The other thing about mGUI is that you use it skin plug-ins that have a GUI so you could use this to add a midi learn function to a plug in that doesn’t have it natively. The flip side is that in doing so you lose the native GUI, so it’s a trade-off.

    That’s how I think it’s supposed to work> I have skinned a VST but I have yet to try the midi learn capabilities, but if it works like I think it is supposed to, could be a slick workaround.


    Have yet to figure out how Asseca works, and in between new job and 4 month old daughter i doubt i will do by the time Frits/Zynewave has implemented it. πŸ˜›

    But i did figure out how to control stuff in plugins that has midi support built in (in a way, have yet to get control over it, but at least im moving a knob and stuff are happeneing yay ^^)

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