Topic: Bounce is cut off in middle of track

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  • #2229

    Hi again!

    When I’m bouncing my arrangement to the master track or export the bounced audio the sound file is cut off after a couple of minutes showing only beautiful but unintentional silence :-k

    Tried a couple of times with different settings but it keeps breaking off. The time the sound is interrupted also changes between 2 and 3 1/2 minutes… Am I missing something here?

    Have a nice weekend!



    Is the rendered audio ok up to the point where it cuts off?

    Does it happen only with this arrangement?

    Are you using any demo plugins that time out after a couple of minutes? 😛

    After you’ve bounced the master, try the “move bounced audio to new track”. Is the sound event the full length of the arrangement?


    Is the bounced waveform actually the right lenght, but only shows silence, or does the wave just cut off?

    If it’s the second, then the most probable cause is that the lenght of bounce events isn’t auto-adjusted (it’s a bug soon to be fixed, hopefully). Try working around this by creating a marker event at the end of the arrangement – that should make the bounce event the right length.



    Is the rendered audio ok up to the point where it cuts off?

    It is.
    And I’m not using any demo versions and the problem seems only to occur in this arrangement.


    The bounced wave file has the correct length in the arrangement, the exported file is cut.

    BUT: When I move the bounced master to a new track it is seperated into three files. I assume this is due to the “split” function I used on several/all tracks in order to lenghten the song a bit 😉 .
    I now bundled all events and bounced again and the output file is OK! :D/
    So… thanks to you. However, I still don’t get why this problem occured in the first place.


    @Ohrbruch wrote:

    BUT: When I move the bounced master to a new track it is seperated into three files. I assume this is due to the “split” function I used on several/all tracks in order to lenghten the song a bit 😉 .
    I now bundled all events and bounced again and the output file is OK! :D/
    So… thanks to you. However, I still don’t get why this problem occured in the first place.

    Ah yes. This is on my todo list. The segment splitting/cut/paste really shouldn’t affect the sound events on hidden bounce tracks.


    Ah, OK. Now that I know what I have to do I’m fine with that.
    (And you just reminded me of my todo list, which seems to become longer every day… 🙄 )

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