Topic: Can Podium Free Accommodate VST Instruments with Multiple Outputs?

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  • #30195
    Mikhail Tolentino

    I have downloaded a free VST that requires multiple outputs. I thought that the vst was broken, but I found out that it needs multiple outputs for it to work. However, I haven’t encountered anything like it before. Can Podium Free host these type of Instruments? If this is possible, what tweaks do I need to do? It would be nice if someone can give an answer for this poor beginner. Many thanks. 🙂


    Yes, you can run multi-out vst instruments with Podium free. There is a youtube video here that covers the process:

    Essentially, when importing a multi out vsti Podium creates mappings for all the outs in a sub-folder. Hit F2 and your list of instruments and fx will be displayed on the left. Locate your multi-out instrument and drag the entire sub-folder onto the track header area of the arrangement page/view. Have a look at the video and hopefully it should become clear.

    Mikhail Tolentino

    Oh! 🙂 Thank you, kingtubby! Kudos to you! 🙂


    It’s one of the many things that Podium does so well. Once you’ve set things up to your liking just save as a track template and it’ll be ready to go in a couple of clicks.

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