Topic: Clip 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 (done!)

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  • #2268

    This is a mini-small feature request. Always you do an unique copy of a clip Podium change its name adding a ” 2″. I think it would be more helful if Podium rename the clip with a “+1”, so if you have a “Bass fadein 3” the unique copy will be named “Bass fadein 4”


    +1 for this one 8)


    The system as it is might produce long names, but at least it is consistent.
    What if I have some original basslines called bass line 1, bass line 2, bass line 3? When I change bass line 1 and it becomes bass line 1 2, it is clear what derives from what. with your proposed system the name bass line 2 would be taken already and if it just takes the next number available, everything would get more confusing.


    pigini,you’re using a very generic name: “bassline”. Look at my first example “bassline fadein”. Usually I name each clip by its function (fadein) and its variation number (3), and when I do a unique copy is to do a variation.

    however if you (second person of plural*) think it’s a step backwards and it’s very important for you using generic names as “lead” and a “lead 2 2 2 2” cleary tell you that it’s a variation of “lead 2 2 2” and not from “lead 2 2” but it’s from “lead 2”, then I retract from this FR. I thought it would be helpful for everyone ๐Ÿ˜‰

    *This is one of things that I hate from english, you cannot differenciate with the word ‘you’ when you’re talking to one person or to more people


    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    *This is one of things that I hate from english, you cannot differenciate with the word ‘you’ when you’re talking to one person or to more people

    In this context I can clearly see that you (you, LiquidProj3ct ๐Ÿ™‚ talks to Pigini (you use his name in the beginning of your message)


    Ending up with sequences named “… 2 2 2 2” is something that also has annoyed me a lot. The naming system only works as intended when you add new events to a track, which produces increasing events such as “Track 1”, “Track 1 2”, “Track 1 3”, etc.

    I’m currently modifying the naming system so that it will also work when you convert phantom events to unique copies. I hope to have it implemented in 2.38.


    @LiquidProj3ct wrote:

    This is a mini-small feature request. Always you do an unique copy of a clip Podium change its name adding a ” 2″. I think it would be more helful if Podium rename the clip with a “+1”, so if you have a “Bass fadein 3” the unique copy will be named “Bass fadein 4”

    Nice idea! ๐Ÿ™‚


    +1 also LP[LiquidProject]



    @Infinitoar wrote:

    +1 also LP[LiquidProject]

    Or LowPass, or LolliPop, or… ๐Ÿ™‚

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