Topic: Colours

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  • #586

    Hi Frits,
    I like the colours used in the audio editor in the sreenshot on the home page. I was just wondering were to get them from 💡



    If you’re lucky they might be one of the colour setups that come with Podium… I wouldn’t be able to tell you for sure. Your best bet is to load each of these colour setups one by one to see if any are the one you want

    From the Podium guide:

    Color Scheme Files

    The Podium installer have placed a set of color scheme setup files in the same folder where the Podium.ini file is placed. Use the ‘load setup’ menu command to browse these files. There are complete color scheme files, but also partial color setup files that will only change the panel color and leave the other colors untouched.

    You can save your color customizations as a color scheme with the ‘save color setup’ menu command. This will save a setup file with only the settings from the Colors dialog. Loading a color scheme setup file will likewise only affect the Colors dialog settings.


    the colours used in the audio editor in the sreenshot on the home page

    That is the ‘Colors – Deep Blue.ini’ setup file.


    Nice one 🙂

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