Topic: Couple of suggestions for new browser (i.e. late to party)

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  • #1956

    Hi Frits! I’ve only just looked at the new browser properly; wow, I love it! The favourite folders is welcome, the preview of .wav files is welcome… I really really love it.

    I know I’m late to the party; this was a few releases ago. I checked briefly the previous thread but decided to post a new one, after not really finding exactly what I was looking for.

    I have a couple of issues with it, which you may or may not also see as issues!

    The first one is that, if I play samples at a different sample rate to the currently set one, it will play back faster or slower depending. I often have 44.1kHz samples, and 96kHz (or sometimes 48kHz) setting, meaning the files play faster than they should. I do have some files in 48kHz though, meaning I can’t really use the same setting for all samples. But I’ve noticed that the progress bar for playback still follows the original, meaning the sample finishes playing while the progress bar keeps going. No need for fancy resampling algorithms; a simple algorithm that will do the job and still sound ok would be welcomed!

    As far as I know, Podium has no resampling anyway so I understand why this wouldn’t; but it still is weird when I am trying to use it. 🙂

    I had some issues playing mono samples only coming through the left speaker, but that was when the arrangement’s power is turned off. In that state, might mono samples just be played through both channels, instead of just the left? And also, sometimes they wouldn’t preview on the selected track at all; not sure why. In my case, I had a bounce track (unhidden) with a sub track with an effect on it. Selecting that sub track wouldn’t work for a bit for some reason (dragging the sample into the project itself worked though), but when I selected the bounce parent track, it played through it, then when I selected the sub track, it worked. I’m not really sure what was going on there.

    The final comment is: Does previewing samples in the browser create .mini files? I ask because I played a fair few percussion samples to test it, and also dragged a few (but not as many as I previewed) and there were .mini files that I swear were never there before. And some of those were not from samples I’d dragged into the project, but had only previewed. If it’s creating .mini files, can you make it not do so? Or have an option? I let it for bounces and similar recordings that I use within the project, but I might preview samples I’ll never put in the project, and I don’t want many .mini files just being created for it.

    I have long ways of saying things, sorry about that.

    Anyway, despite all that I love how the browser is! Wish I’d tested it earlier, stupid university… 😆


    I’ve got two and a question. 🙂

    1- Besides the size, it’d be nice to see other audio file properties as well. Bit depth, sample rate, maybe even length.
    2- A more obvious way to access ‘Organize Favorites’ wouldn’t hurt, maybe in the browser menu.

    Q: Why are folders that haven’t been opened (yet) shown differently? It’s more apparent with dark color schemes.


    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    1- Besides the size, it’d be nice to see other audio file properties as well. Bit depth, sample rate, maybe even length.

    To do that Podium would need to open all sound files and read their format. That would take too long, but it could be shown as info for the currently selected file.

    Q: Why are folders that haven’t been opened (yet) shown differently? It’s more apparent with dark color schemes.

    That indicates that the contents of the folder has not yet been viewed (and thus it is still unknown if the folder is empty). It would take too long if Podium should search the files in all subfolders shown in the browser.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    To do that Podium would need to open all sound files and read their format. That would take too long, but it could be shown as info for the currently selected file.

    I see, that’s fine. Just thought, Windows explorer seems to do it without any noticable delay.
    But I’m no programmer, so I’ll trust you on that. 😉

    @Zynewave wrote:

    hat indicates that the contents of the folder has not yet been viewed (and thus it is still unknown if the folder is empty). It would take too long if Podium should search the files in all subfolders shown in the browser.

    Makes sense. I was just surprised, as the difference in brightness is pretty drastic compared to a light color scheme. I think it’s better this way – more clearly visible.
    Come to think of it, most browser icons have some issues when displayed on a dark background… guess they use transparancy?


    @thcilnnahoj wrote:

    @Zynewave wrote:

    To do that Podium would need to open all sound files and read their format. That would take too long, but it could be shown as info for the currently selected file.

    I see, that’s fine. Just thought, Windows explorer seems to do it without any noticable delay.
    But I’m no programmer, so I’ll trust you on that. 😉

    The windows explorer only shows files for one folder at a time. The Podium browser combines the folder and file views into one big tree list, and so can show files in multiple open folders at the same time.

    Besides that, I think the dimmed folder icons are a useful indication of what folders you have not yet browsed in your search for that rare sound file.


    I know a lot of my post above was suggestions, but can I get a response on the creation of .mini files for previewing in Podium? And if it does, could you explain why you chose to do that? I just wonder if it’s necessary. There are some out there like me that are finicky with what goes in folders without them knowing. 🙂


    @druid wrote:

    I know a lot of my post above was suggestions, but can I get a response on the creation of .mini files for previewing in Podium? And if it does, could you explain why you chose to do that? I just wonder if it’s necessary. There are some out there like me that are finicky with what goes in folders without them knowing. 🙂

    I have grabbed a shortcut to this topic, and I’ll get back to examining this once I have finished the current feature I’m working on. Hopefully within a week.

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