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  • #281

    Hi – I’ve tried the demo Freebee project and the CPU meter turns red at certain points. My PC is a P4 2.6mhz with 512mb ram) – is this what you would expect?

    Is there an option to improve this?

    btw – soundcard is a MAudio Delta 2496

    Cheers TC


    Is there an option to improve this?

    To avoid/reduce chances of these sudden CPU bursts, you could try to increase the buffer size/latency setting in your ASIO driver setup. I’m using a 1.7 GHz w. 512MB RAM, and an ASIO buffer size of 512. I also suffer from occasional CPU overloads. I’ve made some unfortunate choices in softsynths for the freebees project. Especially the Lallapallooza which is a good sounding synth but it puts a heavy load on the CPU. I hope to find some time to make a better demo project, using plugins that are less demanding.


    thanks…that’s helped.

    Have you tried the Superwave p8?

    Get it @


    Have you tried the Superwave p8?

    Yes, also a great synth, but it’s equally as CPU demanding as Lallapallooza. They are both made with the Synthedit tool. Although you can get high quality Synthedit creations, it often comes at a cost of high CPU usage. The thing that annoys me the most about synthedit plugins though, is that their loading routines for some reason is very time consuming. Activating monitoring for one of the Freebees arrangement (and thus loading all insert plugins), can take several seconds depending on your system. Most commercial plugins will load almost instantaneously.


    Yes, I would suggest removing any SynthEdit plugins from the demo tracks. They’re usually are very cpu consuming, and theres still some very cool and free coded plugins out there. I’d suggest trying to try to replace that lallapalooza synth with something like rgc:Audio’s Triangle II, and maybe use drums from PlugSound Free as opposed to Drumatic. Anyway, the less cpu usage people see when they try the demo of Podium the better in my opinion 🙂


    ..err plugsound free is an enormous dl! Can’t think of any other suggestion at the mo, but requiring people to download 60meg of VST isn’t a winner – even tho it is a good plug..



    Good call. Maybe ErsDrums then? It’s a shame the CM-505 isn’t an option because that’s a great little (mostly) free tool.

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