Topic: Delay compensation

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  • #1999

    What i want to do is trigger my Kontaktplayer with drumsamples in real time. That isn’t a problem in itself, but i haven’t been able to get the Player working without noticable latency when the edit is already full of plugins. Disabling the plugins doesn’t help and when i trigger the Player there is a big latency, probably caused by the Nebula plugins already in the edit.

    When i start up a clean project everything works fine. Is there a way to get the delay compensation working when i trigger the Player in real time within a project that is full of plugins already?


    If you have plugins that introduce delay on a bus return, then any track that has the corresponding bus send will be delay compensated. The only way to get rid of this is to either remove the bus send on the track you want to monitor real-time, or to remove the delay-introducing plugin from the bus return. Same thing with delay-introducing plugins on the master bus.


    Thanks for the answer, although is is not the one that i was hoping for. 😉

    Disabling the plugins should be enough, instead of removing them entirely.


    Bump for this problem. It’s still one of the things that annoys me the most in Podium. In Tracktion for instance, disabling the plugins is enough to not make them cause a delay anymore. In Podium i have to remove them from the track entirely, which is a pain.

    Also why can’t one save an effect-chain on the Master-track?


    @MelodyMan wrote:

    Bump for this problem. It’s still one of the things that annoys me the most in Podium. In Tracktion for instance, disabling the plugins is enough to not make them cause a delay anymore. In Podium i have to remove them from the track entirely, which is a pain.

    The effect bypass button is “softer” than a plugin disable button. One purpose of the bypass button is to A/B the dry signal with the wet signal. For that purpose it is necessary to delay the dry bypassed signal with the same latency as the plugin, or else the dry/wet audio would shift in time.

    Also why can’t one save an effect-chain on the Master-track?

    I may add support for this later on. I haven’t implemented it yet, because I need to add code that filters out the audio output from the chain.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    @MelodyMan wrote:

    Bump for this problem. It’s still one of the things that annoys me the most in Podium. In Tracktion for instance, disabling the plugins is enough to not make them cause a delay anymore. In Podium i have to remove them from the track entirely, which is a pain.

    The effect bypass button is “softer” than a plugin disable button. One purpose of the bypass button is to A/B the dry signal with the wet signal. For that purpose it is necessary to delay the dry bypassed signal with the same latency as the plugin, or else the dry/wet audio would shift in time.

    Also why can’t one save an effect-chain on the Master-track?

    I may add support for this later on. I haven’t implemented it yet, because I need to add code that filters out the audio output from the chain.

    Thanks Frits for your answer. I get it, but an option to disable the plugins entirely would be nice, maybe an on/off button per track like the big on/off button in the left bottom corner of the GUI.

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