Topic: Device Folders

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  • #2107

    On the Project page, in the Device window I added a folder. After that I added a vst. Then I tried I tried to drag the vst into the folder and could not do so. Now, I know I can right-click the vst and add it to a “New Folder”. And I know that once a folder has a vst you can add more to the folder. But why can’t I drag a vst onto a folder icon (empty folder) and add the vst that way?

    I had never run across this in the past because I (for as long as I can remember) have used the import plugin folder option.


    If you hold either shift, alt or control while dropping, the object(s) will be dropped into the object you drop on.


    Thanksfor the help, I guess a little bit of “rtfm” would have helped here πŸ™‚

    btw, I should mention that this is not expected behavior. I think most windows users would expect drag & drop functionality. Not a showstopper at all mind you, just unexpected.

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