Topic: Diasble sticky notes

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  • #1611

    Is there any way to stop it making a conspicuous sticky note whenever I make a new project?


    Have you tried (do you know about) deleting all the text in the Sticky note ?

    I just tried creating a new project (have not done one in a while) knowing that I had previously deleted all the text in the Sticky Note and all that appears is a quick pop up saying new project created and time/date.

    I hope that is the solution, let us know…



    Yes I delete the text and its gone but then when I make a new project it creates a new one. I don’t want them at all – an easy way to turn this facility off would be best.


    In older Podium versions you would get a lengthy stickie note with explanations on how to create arrangements etc. The latest Podium version only creates a note with e.g.:
    “Project created: 25-05-2008 18:42:30”

    There is no option to not create this note, but you can disable the “Popup project stickie note…” option in preferences.


    That will do fine thanks – its the insistent popping up that was annoying.

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