Topic: Drum mapping – Samples

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  • #40760
    Daniel Mosquera

    Hello, I’m a new user. I started trying Podium free, and it’s cool. But I have a problem: I want to use one-shot drum samples, but I don’t know how to put them in a track all together, or rather to put them in a drum map editor. I used to make music with LMMS, where I simply create a beat track, and I drag my samples there. Here in Podium, I must load a VSTi in order to open a piano roll/drum map track. Should I download another plugin instrument, ir there’s another option? Simply I don’t know…

    By the way, how can I take an instrument one-shot sample, and use it in piano roll? Does Podium only works with VST instruments?

    Thank you.


    This is a test, just ignore it.


    Hi Daniel,

    For playing one shot samples, I think the most convenient would be to download a vst for this task. I use a vst named Sitala, which is simple enough for me to understand. But others might have other favorietes.
    In the vst, you can import your samples, and arrange them.
    When set up, you can use the piano roll to play the samples.
    Once in the piano roll, podium has an option to change the piano to drum note names.

    I hope the above gives you enough information to get started.

    Daniel Mosquera

    Hi Joel!

    Thank you, this is what I was searching for!

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