Topic: Expanded modes disables Compact mode features?

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  • #1640

    If you switch to Expanded mode from Compact mode, unhide tracks in track lanes and then return to Compact mode you cannot save a chain of FX. You can save an FX as a template but not a chain of FX.

    Podium loses the Compact mode track panel format (the tracks look like they do in Expanded mode) when a user goes from Compact mode > Expanded mode (unhide’s tracks in an FX chain) then returns to Compact mode.

    This results in no FX chain saving being offered by Podium for that set of FX tracks (only one FX track can be saved).

    Looks like a couple of bugs….Track panel format not restored when returning to Compact mode and no FX chain saving for unhidden tracks once a user switches back to Compact mode.

    Bugs, as intended or user error?



    I think I answered this in the other topic you created about compact/expanded mode.


    @Zynewave wrote:

    I think I answered this in the other topic you created about compact/expanded mode.

    Sorry Frits, thanks for your other response but that was about track routing not FX chain saving. The source of the problem appears to be similar but I separated the topics as the other discusses routing and a very strange problem indeed. While this is mainly about FX chain saving.

    I separated the threads to avoid the thread being too long…anyway I think I know what the problem was, I unhid a track that had 3 or 4 others feeding into it that meant the unhid track was not inside the track panel anymore, as a result right clicking on that single track only offered the Save Effect Track as Template option not the Save Effect Chain as Template which would be available only when clicking the Track panel header in Compact Mode.

    I thought I could still find the Save Effect Chain as Template option even if the track is unhidden (removed from the Track chain panel as it was still part of a chain (with mulitple FX tracks feeding into it) but not visually inside the Track panel anymore.

    I just assumed removing the track from the track chain panel (unihiding it) would not disable the Track chain saving option when right clicking the unhidden track.

    Maybe it shouldn’t really disable chain saving or an option considered to allow saving a chain as far as it has tracks going into it. Track panel or not.

    Anyway hiding the track placed it back into the Track chain panel and that allowed me to access the Effect Chain saving option again.


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