Topic: First post and a midi plugin question

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  • #258


    My first post…

    My name is ferry and I’m evaluating podium for use in my daw setup. I have installed the demo and can (with help of the instruction movies) find my way trough this application.

    Now my question.
    I own a peavey studiomix midi controller and to use this for controlling the parameters of vst plugins it’s quitte useless because it generates and responses only nrpn messages. That’s why I have written an vst plugin called vststudiomix ( that translates those nrpn messages into cc. I’m using it with great results in a modular vst host (plogue bidule) where I place the vststudiomix plugin in front of a vsti of my choice.

    When evaluating podium I wanted to find out if I can use it in a simular way. That’s why I started and project that constains an synth vsti and the vststudiomix both in insert mode. The vststudiomix plugin is by hierarchy and group level postition placed so that it must send it’s midi messages to the vsti synth. This vsti doesn’t have audio input channels. The vststudiomix has ‘fake’ stereo in and out channels because otherwise some hosts will crash. This leads to the message that the ‘mixtrack’ in which the vststudiomix is placed can’t connect and the midi messages aren’t send form the vstudiomix plugin to the synth plugin.

    So that made me conclude that the output channel configuration of a insert plugin must be compatible with the one ‘above’ it. Because the synth pluing doesn’t have any input channels I recompiled my plugin with no audio input nor output channels. Loading this plugin (which works in plogue bidule) leads to and error when importing in podium. 🙁

    What now? How do you use vst plugins wich are midi only into podium?

    I know that controlling an vsti which response to cc messages can be done by using the parameter option of podium but I have quitte some presets for the vststudiomix plugin which I can use in combination with my synths and down want to setup everything again.

    Podium looks until know a great applicatio and reading about his history I think I can concluded that it will be around for while. I will evaluate podium a lot more and that decide if it will be my baby 😉


    Hi ferry,

    Thanks for trying out Podium.

    I’m sorry to say this, but MIDI output of plugins are not supported yet 😥
    It’s listed in the ‘Future Development’ topic, but a few items have a higher priority at the moment (mixer engine bussing for one), so it will at least be a month before I can start work on it.

    From your description, you have set up your insert plugins correctly in the arrangement. You do not have to recompile your plugin to get rid of the warning that the parent VSTi does not accept audio. You would only need to modify the Device Mapping object for your vststudiomix plugin and set the audio input/output to ‘none’. But as I said, plugin MIDI output is not supported yet.

    I have downloaded your plugin, as it seems like a nice tool to use for testing purposes once I start work on VST MIDI output 😉




    Thanks for the swift reply. I have to wait then, but it’s on the list and it can’t be to dificult or am I wrong?

    Using the vststudiomix plugin is only usefull if you own a peavey studiomix because the plugin doesn’t generate midi messages (yet) based on changed though the gui. It only translates and send midi messages that can came in by nprn messages generated by and stuomix controller.

    Sorry. It’s on my list 😉

    Oh, yes. I also want to say is that I have an creamware pulsar card and podium works fine on it’s asio drivers – also in XTC mode.


    Sorry. It’s on my list 😉

    Excellent! Let’s see who gets there first 😛

    Oh, yes. I also want to say is that I have an creamware pulsar card and podium works fine on it’s asio drivers – also in XTC mode.

    Good to know, thanks

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