Topic: For the love of God

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  • #2456

    Does anyone want an autosave feature or is it just me? Because THIS is what really pisses me off, after spending at least 3 hours [or more]of MY TIME, in Podium.

    And yes if you read the comment in the pic you can see I was “highly PO’ed”, πŸ‘Ώ because when it crashed it felt like Zynewave slapped me in the face and then pointed, laughed, and walked away, and trust me doesn’t feel good when this happens.


    I thought Podium had a backup file that it auto saves periodically, until it crashed on me. And after all that time slicing my samples in SC and all the programming. I got so pissed I didn’t even get back in it ’til the next day.

    I still can’t remember what program does this tho.


    I know Tracktion has that feature. You can also revert to a previous state.


    So wait a minute…

    The LICENSED VERSION doesn’t have even a backup/autosave feature?!?!?!

    …………wow. The more I learn the less I like. Awesome.


    I’m sorry you’ve lost your work.

    And no, it doesn’t have autosave. In the past I programmed an small macro that did Ctrl-S each ten minutes after lastest Ctrl-S. However I get used to press Ctrl-S frecuently, if you always have your left hand on modifiers keys (ctrl/alt/shift) it just a matter of hours get the habit use Ctrl-S shortcut each two or three editions. So I deleted that small program, I wouldn’t mind share it with anyone ask for it.

    …………wow. The more I learn the less I like. Awesome.

    I see you are frustated, but just remember that your bad vibes won’t solve anything. It can even backfire at you!

    Best regards πŸ™‚


    Though I use the key shortcut, I would love to try this macro of yours, Liquid Project(the three key doesn’t work on my friend’s damn keyboard!) Thanks-


    Unfortunately I deleted it, and since I formatted my PC two months ago I lost the library to capture keyboard – I don’t remember its name, it was one of 100.000 free c++ libraries πŸ˜†

    I’ll try to do a search anyway…


    That’s OK. I should learn about macros sometime, but I’m too lazy and am usually on someone else’s computer when online.

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