Topic: FR: small change in the plugin browser

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  • #1544

    In the plugin browser on the left side, I have lots of plugin folders. When I scroll down to folders near the end of the list and expand them(hitting the plus sign), the folder opens but the contents are now below the bottom of the view and I have to scroll to see them.

    Can it be made so when you click on a folder and the contents don’t fit above the bottom of the browser area, that it automatically moves to show as much of the folder’s content as possible?

    Does this make sense? If not, I will try to explain it better. It’s such a small thing, but would help just a small bit in usability.



    @koolkeys wrote:

    Does this make sense? If not, I will try to explain it better. It’s such a small thing, but would help just a small bit in usability.

    Yes it makes sense, I’ve wondered about this too. Would be a neat little improvement.


    @koolkeys wrote:

    In the plugin browser on the left side, I have lots of plugin folders. When I scroll down to folders near the end of the list and expand them(hitting the plus sign), the folder opens but the contents are now below the bottom of the view and I have to scroll to see them.

    It can be a bit of a hassle. I would certainly be happier with some sort of smart scroll that could in some way make things easier.

    I think Plugin handling in general is way overdue for an overhaul personally. Mappings / plugin management should be far more user friendly.


    @Conquistador wrote:

    I think Plugin handling in general is way overdue for an overhaul personally. Mappings / plugin management should be far more user friendly.

    ooooo, don’t get me started on this one… (iow, i strongly agree)


    Can it be made so when you click on a folder and the contents don’t fit above the bottom of the browser area, that it automatically moves to show as much of the folder’s content as possible?

    Coming up in release 1.99.

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