Topic: FR: Tempo Change Access

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  • #1577

    One of the things I love in Ableton’s Live is the ability to change the tempo without having to deal with a dialog box. In Live a user has two options for changing the tempo.

    1. You can click on that area and type in your new bpm.
    2. You can left-click that area and scroll your moues which dials in the new tempo.

    In both cases the effects of the change area realized immediately.

    How Podium handles it now is ok, but I think this improvement makes things a lot smoother than having boxes pop-up in the editor.


    To add to this, one of energyXT 1.41’s cool features (introduced a few versions before that) was being able to map an envelope to the tempo!

    I guess that’s a different feature request. I just saw tempo and my brain instantly jumped to envelope…

    I also agree with the OP’s FR though. I think that sort of feature is useful.


    The tempo automation in energyxt1.41 is the main reason I’m still using it, occasionaly. A smart way to handle it. Would be great to see that in podium.

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