Topic: FR: WASAPI Support

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  • #1911

    I’m getting annoyed having to rely on ASIO4ALL since I can’t seem to figure out my BSOD problems that popped up after 11 months of perfect stability. It doesn’t happen when using WDM drivers, but the performance with those is beyond usable and utterly crappy. So I’ve spent two months troubleshooting things, running tests, etc etc etc and I’ve had it. I thought that Podium was one of the lucky apps and hadn’t experienced a BSOD while using it. So I figured that it just wasn’t triggering whatever it was that triggered the crashes. Then tonight, it crashed twice out of nowhere.

    So, unless anyone has a better suggestion, can I suggest WASAPI support in Podium? From what I’ve heard, it’s fairly simple to implement, and when testing the performance in Sonar 8 demo(Sonar 8 is the only active host with support for it right now), I realized that it works very well.

    I do have other interfaces, but the convenience of ASIO4ALL is nice when taking my laptop from one studio to another at work. I don’t want to connect and disconnect interfaces and power cords and such.

    Anyways, is there a chance it could be added? Or any suggestions for my other problem?



    koolkeys, I’m curious, can you get low, stable latencies with WASAPI? Also, do you know which companies have made WASAPI drivers for their sound devices(cards)?


    WASAPI is built into Vista kind of like CoreAudio is built into Macs. I don’t know that hardware has to have WASAPI drivers to work. I know on the Sonar 8 demo, at least the output of my interfaces were available when using WASAPI as the driver type. I believe it’s an automatic thing, but I may be wrong.

    I do know that with WASAPI, I got just as low of latency as with ASIO4ALL when using onboard sound. And I know that it worked much better for me as well. So far though, Sonar is the only one to do it, and Presonus Studio One will support it as well.

    So I’m hoping that Podium can get into the game on this too! Would be absolutely fantastic, and from what I’ve been told, it’s not too much work to put in.



    I’ve added WASAPI support to the future plan.

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