I was working on a drum map for JamStix2. At first, I was miffed at having to define a preset within the Drum map for each instrument, but then elated I could arrange the presets in any order an the instruments would appear in that order when editing drum parts in an arrangement.
But the kicker was, when JamStix2 exports the keymap, is displays notes using the “#” value, all except for A#, which it displays as Bb. I wondered what would happen if I entered it as Bb in the Podium Preset and, to my amazement, no untrapped error occured which crashed the app, no error trap displaying a window to inform me Bb is not a valid note, instead, Podium politely converted it to an A# upon exiting the field.
Very nice work Frits, I continue to be impressed with each new feature I encounter.