Topic: Frits, respect to your impressive app

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  • #1909

    I was working on a drum map for JamStix2. At first, I was miffed at having to define a preset within the Drum map for each instrument, but then elated I could arrange the presets in any order an the instruments would appear in that order when editing drum parts in an arrangement.

    But the kicker was, when JamStix2 exports the keymap, is displays notes using the “#” value, all except for A#, which it displays as Bb. I wondered what would happen if I entered it as Bb in the Podium Preset and, to my amazement, no untrapped error occured which crashed the app, no error trap displaying a window to inform me Bb is not a valid note, instead, Podium politely converted it to an A# upon exiting the field.

    Very nice work Frits, I continue to be impressed with each new feature I encounter.



    Thanks 🙂


    It is Podium that brought me back to Software as a means to produce music. Why?…User interface and reliability. The only other program I found useful was Voyetra Record Producer Deluxe because it was the easiest and most reliable at the time. Of course, I had not tried Podium.

    This track heirarchy concept is wonderful. What is so funny is this concept is so natural for people to conceptualize. We are most comfortable with the outline format, which is conceptually identical to the track heirarchy.

    Fritz! You have made music production on the computer a pleasure for me again. You deserve all the kudos I can muster.


    I agree 😀
    Podium is awesome and is now my Main DAW because it works so great with my new HW Purchase (Korg MicroX).

    I experienced allot of problems from V 2.15 and upto 2.17 but that was because i had a dying Soundcard which did some unexpected things when i fired up Podium.

    Now i have Got everything stabilized and V 2.17 works Great.

    So Thank you so much for creating this masterpiece Frits 8)

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